Sexual Assault On College Campuses

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My topic of a major social concern is the prominent problem of sexual assault on college campuses in the United States. In the recent decade, sexual assault has become more and more prevalent in our society. Sexual assault is considered one of the most heinous and serious crimes that can be committed and we see the severity with databases like the sex offender registry and national organizations that promote awareness. Sexual assault covers many more crimes than most people assume and can include: rape, incest, sodomy, molestation, fondling, and/or attempted rape. Awareness of this issue pushes prevention methods like bystander intervention and aimed to educate the general public on safe places to go if an assault has happened and …show more content…

In the past few years there has been integration of programs and initiatives to combat the prevalent sexual assault issue. College campus sexual assaults garner major media attention in a lot of cases and the reasons can vary. Many college students come from middle class families which gives more media attention over a low class person as well as parents have concerns about sending their child off on their own after 18 years in their custody and when sexual assaults occur at a college, it alters their decisions on where to send their child.
Why the Issue was Selected
I picked this as my topic of choice due to my passionate interest in promoting sexual assault awareness in the college-aged community. During high school, I began to become involved with this issue through a human rights organization I was a member of. We would advocate for issues that regarded equality and awareness to societal problems in the close community. The sexual assault awareness program in high school was vastly worse and less prominent than most colleges which is a disheartening fact since many students will never go to college. High school aged students are in a critical time of …show more content…

We are seeing more Title IX coordinators at public universities and sexual assault task forces to counter the growing problem. Unfortunately, the most covered stories are when an important and elite college employee is involved whereas most other cases are very underreported because they would give no excitement to television viewers. Take for instance the Jerry Sandusky case, it garnered national media attention, as it should, but other cases that involve less prominent figures may never even see the local news. In our Springfield community, the News Leader does a tremendous job of covering cases that involve sexual assaults that occur on campus. In February, an older man was apprehended for attempted rape and the News Leader published an article that featured the offender face attached to it (Keegan, “MSU student grabbed, sexually assaulted on campus, police say”). It is a big achievement for the city of Springfield to have a news outlet that concerns their articles about the safety of students at Missouri State. These students that I am discussing range from all types. Nationally, the victims tend to be shown as female and research backs that claim up but there is a frightening statistic about males. The reason most cases are male offender-female victim is because when its vice versa, male victims are shown less sympathy although 50% of rape victims are men. I believe sexual assault affect

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