Sexual Assault In College Campus Essay

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Paula Barreiro
Ms. Kelly
AP Capstone Seminar
7 November 2017
The History of Sexual Assault in College Campus Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape. Sexual assault in college campuses are a national problem that should be addressed. Although, victims across the nation are admitting this horrible incident, only a portion of assaults are told allowing the offenders to be on the loose. Very few cases are investigated properly, and even less end in conviction of the perpetrator. I will describe the history of sexual …show more content…

In many colleges students change their demeanor according to the location. In a classroom students are always more serious and try to be and look more respectful to not get uncalled actions. Many students have experienced sexual assault cases by their own teacher. Most harassers are less elaborate in their sexual approaches. Their behaviors are crude, predictable, and mundane. Karen S. a college student had been walking in campus and was wearing a California shirt when she encountered her professor. The teacher just stared at her for a minute before saying, "My, I've been to California but I don't remember it being so mountainous” (Dzeich, Weiner). This shows an incredible amount of disrespect and sexual harassment. It should not matter how a student dresses, one must learn to contain unnecessary comments and keep them to yourself. Throughout history people have dressed completely different and it has been an evident problem and topic since then. It has nothing to do with the victim, but all to do with the the perpetrators’ …show more content…

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