Sex Offender Recidivism

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Sex offender legislation has been encouraged and written to protect the community and the people at large against recidivism and or to help with the reintegration of those released from prison. Nevertheless, a big question has occurred as to if the tough laws created help the community especially to prevent recidivism or make the situation even worse than it already is. Sex offenders are categorized into three levels for example in the case of the state of Massachusetts; in level one the person is not considered dangerous, and chances of him repeating a sexual offense are low thus his details are not made available to the public (Robbers, 2009). In level two chances of reoccurrence are average thus public have access to this level offenders through local police departments in level three risk of reoffense is high, and a substantial public safety interest is served to protect the public from such individuals. …show more content…

It may also bring issues of anger as the sex offenders laws state that some of the rights of the person being denied in some states sex offenders cannot attend Halloween and even lose their parental rights this may do more harm or good to the person and give him an I don’t care attitude. However flipping the coin to the other side legislation has helped with the integration of the sex offenders as in most cases those who have registered rarely repeat their crime. For example in New York between 1985-2001 out of the registered 11898 only 251 were returned to jail for recidivism which is about 2.1% this shows that it works as the cases have

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