Serial Killers Summary

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The dramatic event that starts the story involves two best friends and fellow police detectives, Karl (John Savage) and Ian (Ted Danson). Two criminals, Jimmy and Greg, kidnap the detectives and take them to an onion field near Bakersfield. This encounter results in Greg shooting Ian dead, and Karl manages to get away. Jimmy and Greg are arrested, convicted of murder and are placed on Death Row, awaiting their fate.
Gregory Ulas Powell is a disturbed ex-con who recruits Jimmy Lee "Youngblood" Smith, a petty thief, as his partner in crime. Powell panics one night when the two of them are pulled over by a pair of cops for broken brake lights. Powell decides to kidnap the cops, and Smith, as always, reluctantly goes along with Powell's crazy scheme. …show more content…

Patrolling, Los Angeles Police Department Detectives Ian Campbell and Karl Hettinger pull over what they consider a vehicle carrying two suspicious looking men. Those two men are Greg Powell and Jimmy Smith aka Jimmy Youngblood, who indeed are petty crooks - although Powell is more of a minor thug - and who were on their way to commit the latest in a string of robberies. This encounter escalates to a standoff culminating in an onion field outside of Bakersfield, where one of the four is shot dead. Beyond the shooting, the evening does not end as any of the men would have envisioned when the encounter began. In the aftermath of this event, the three survivors recount the activities of the evening in the trial into the shooting and in their everyday lives, the most contentious issue being what happened immediately following the firing of the initial shot. In recounting the event, they contemplate what went wrong and what they would have done differently if given the chance again. That evening has a profound effect on the lives of the three survivors, who have problems emotionally dealing either with what happened that evening or the consequences of their actions that evening, especially in the issue of if the justice system was

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