Sera And Ben's Alcoholism In Leaving Las Vegas

1927 Words4 Pages Much of what we know about alcohol and its effects is through the glamour of advertisements, and media. The movie Leaving Las Vegas, however, shines a light on the dark side of alcoholism and depicts the lonely, and tragic realities of addiction. The life of a writer, turned alcoholic can be better understood using the Bio-Psycho-Social Plus model to explain the complexities of Ben's addiction. Ben's alcoholism cannot be attributed to one event alone, as it becomes evident that there are many factors to attribute to his illness, as is true for all addictions. Partially based on the true story of author and writer John O'Brien, Ben Sanderson (played by Nicolas Cage) moves to Las Vegas to “drink himself to death” following …show more content…

Ben continues to drink himself to death, and his symptoms get increasingly worse. Although Sera occasionally asks Ben why he doesn't seek help, she remains compliant in supporting his need to drink. Even as Sera suffers her own tragedies such as rape and violence, she continues to be a bystander in Ben's life right up until his last breath. Although Sera and Ben's relationship is a focal point of Leaving Las Vegas, it gives a true look into the workings of an addict. Ben's story shows us the side of alcohol abuse that is not in the advertisements and is largely dealt with in silence. It is the complicated, tragic, and true story of the many layers and characteristics of an …show more content…

The cultural dimension Skinner and Heri discuss involves the extent to which a person feels connected to the culture that surrounds them.The quality of this relationship can be telling as to the likelihood that someone turns to drugs, as well as their chance at recovery. Skinner and Heri suggest that an addicts chances at recovery are greater if they are surrounded by peers who share similar interests to them, and who also encourage healthy alternatives to drug use and overall emotional and social support. Ben's chances at recovery seem bleak from the moment he moves to Los Vegas due to the clear lack of community, culture, and support that he would desperately need if he had any hope of

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