Case Study: Donna Gamble '

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Question 1:
a) Donna Gamble is an Aboriginal woman who lives in my hometown of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. She is a former ward of the state and has spent a significant part of her youth inside of juvenile correction centres. At a young age she started using drugs and alcohol as a form of escape and resorted to prostitution as a means of sustaining her habits. Donna has six children, all with the exception of the youngest two were placed in the custody of child services.

Donna has quit working as a prostitute and is currently on the road to recovery from years of addiction and abuse. As a child she suffered from years of neglect and sexual abuse from her immediate family members. Donna admits to using drugs when pregnant with her youngest child and suspects that he may have fetal alcohol syndrome as he is unable to control his emotions and has a difficult time in forming social bonds.

Donna was working for a social outreach program that was mainly focused upon helping women and children find alternatives to prostitution and drugs. Donna is currently under a considerable amount of stress as she was recently divorced and laid off from her job. Donna has admitted to recently relapsing with the use of alcohol and has recently shaved her head in a personal
Although, specific information of the particular nature of the encounters was never revealed in the film, there is evidence of past involuntary intervention and voluntary cooperation. An example of a voluntary relationship was when Donna’s mother said, “I phoned social services and told them to come get her, because I was scared.” An example of an involuntary relationship was when Donna’s mother said, “After that I had to leave, I had to leave home. The doctor said I could not stay at my home no more.” Both of these examples occur during the scene of the group session as Donna’s mother plays with the feather and

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