Sentinel Event Research Paper

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2.3 THE sentinel event the sentinel event can be defined as an unexplained incident or event
It causes death or serious physical or psychological consequences, or risk are you.
2.4 Classification of sentinel events
There are many ways to classify the sentinel event, one of the most useful regarding the definition of ethics, criminal, civil and administrative liability, it is one that divides it into preventable and non-preventable sentinel event. The sentinel event is not preventable complication that can not be prevented given the current state of knowledge; the sentinel event is preventable bad outcome of care that can be prevented with the state of knowledge.
To argue the first goal set, it …show more content…

In intensive care units it recorded the impact I could get to have a high incidence of sentinel events. The incidence may be underestimated because the data and results obtained are not the totality of the events by the known missing or insufficient information. Knowledge of the possibility of the occurrence of sentinel events and consequences that occur after the occurrence of this during the care provided by nurses in the ICU, constitutes an essential tool for providing your care with higher quality and more certainty.
All this is framed within an overall clinical context, it is mean that approximations have previously reflected approach from the point of view of specific nursing approach that it was mold thereafter. For nursing recently she created a taxonomy of errors classified as: inattention clinical conditions and reaction to in place, lost the role of representing the best interests of the patient, clinical judgment inappropriate, error treatment, lack of intervention on the clinical evolution of the patient, lack of preventive care, mistake in the execution in the prescription and treatment errors in the documentation. Each activity included in the process of nursing care is intrinsically thus a risk of error in the other variables which also involved as such practices,

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