Sensory Evidence In The Truman Show

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“The Truman Show” displays a character, “Truman” to be an average man who works a desk job, has a wife, a home, and gardens now and then. The only thing is, it’s all staged. Truman was adopted by a television corporation and put inside the world’s largest studio to grow up and be televised 24/7. Truman has no relocation that his life is a lie, until his (thought to be dead) dad comes back into his life. He goes on to discover how things always go his way, except leaving the Island, Seahaven. Truman eventually overcomes his fear of water and sails off to discover more of the world. Only then, does Truman discover he is living in a studio when his boat crashes into the studio’s wall. In the end, Truman decides to leave the studio, despite Christof …show more content…

Epistemology is not being concerned with “what we know but how we know.” (pg. 3) We often rely on our senses to be considered evidence for our knowledge. The issue with sensory evidence is how people may interpret things differently when based on sensory evidence. Sensory evidence is based off of what we believe we see, feel, smell, or hear. People grow up only seeing what they want to see or believe they feel, rather than rationalizing and considering the other possibilities. This chapter relates to The Truman Show, because Truman does not question anything in his life, because he relied on sensory evidence for knowledge that everything in his life was real. Even after the studio light fell out of the sky, he went about his day not thinking of it again. In section 2 topic A, empirical evidence is further explained. Truman’s whole life is based off of empirical evidence. He sees his dad disappear into the ocean and assumes he is dead, because he saw it. In another scene, his high school sweetheart, Silvia tells Truman he is televised, then is taken away by a man who claims to be her father and that she has schizophrenia. Truman never questions anything about the situation, because he was told by her “father” she was ill and they are moving. Truman uses his sensory evidence to believe the story was true, rather than considering what else could have

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