Self Personal Analysis: Self Political Analysis Of My Family

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Self Political Analysis As a child, I was surround by political standpoints, my republican grandfather, my democratic grandmother, my liberalist cousins, and thus, there was a lot of conflict when it came down to who was better and why they were better. However when I decided to take a lean towards the independent route due to the circling in my family, despite the fact even independents can get confusing at times too. I will go in depth about what independents are, our ideologies, a last known candidate and of course what I believe in that makes me this way. Independents are often viewed as a confused party, in reality, we are not. We wish to restore American rights and give the power back to the people so decisions can be made properly and like how they used to be. We also wish to unite everyone who has been divided by the parties once more while keeping our political identities. So, in other words, we are not liberalist, not democratic, or republicans, we are just people who want the power to return to the people. We have high family values and I too believe this is an important thing to consider as friends are just for today but family is forever, so why divide it up due to an …show more content…

So staring at the list in which we believe in it gives me hope and empowers me as a citizen to keep voting and to bring back our original values to our country. This also brings me to voting, in which I have not done before, but if I am to vote I usually consider what they can do for the citizens, time span in which they will take action in, and any past issues they have created or have been involved with throughout the past years, this ensures that we do not allow someone of bad judgment to get into the house to further destroy our

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