Secular Humanism World View

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From a secular humanism viewpoint, a scientific approach is taken to explain the origins of life and how mankind came into existence. To a secular humanist, God does not exist, leaving only science to explain the formation of man and the universe. A secular humanist looks to the initial big bang theory and evolution for the cause of life. The biblical worldview holds the belief that God created everything existing, including mankind. There is also a disagreement between what happens when a person dies. The biblical worldview holds a belief that there is an eternal life after death. However, those who hold a Secular Humanism worldview believe that when you die, life is over. (Weider and Gutierrez, 2011, pg 56).
A Secular Humanist believes humans should be able to think freely and have complete control over their own lives. They choose to seek truth through experiment and observation. The belief of evolution, mankind is evolved by animal, is a strong belief of Secular Humanism. Secular Humanism recognizes mankind as the absolute masters of the universe, with the ability to direct the course of various happenings in the universe. However, The Christian worldview holds the belief that mankind is a special creation of God who has created man above the animal kingdom with the …show more content…

“Man has little, if any real control over his or her existence, and when the machine breaks, life is over.” (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p56). Secular Humanism holds a worldview of mankind as a highly evolved animal produced by evolutionary forces. Man is considered to have the right and responsibility to give meaning to his own life and to develop his own ethical system. The answer to the question of purpose is found only in mankind's ability to leave a positive impact on the world and others around him and to pursue happiness (Weider and Gutierrez, 2011, pg

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