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“the case for torture” summary
“the case for torture” summary
“the case for torture” summary
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There were many good points made during the debates that went on during Thursday, Friday and Monday. One of the debates was about the controversial topic: the Second Amendment. One of the groups was trying to argue that the Second Amendment should not be changed because it is part of the Constitution. The other side was trying to argue that the if there was more gun control, the gun violence will go down. Both sides on this issue made good points, but one of the groups won this debate. The side that was pro second amendment made more good points than the side of the group that was opposed to the Second Amendment. One good point that stood out at me was the fact that there were 9,000 gun deaths in the United States in the last year, but there …show more content…
were 11,000 gun deaths in Mexico (which has the strictest gun laws in the world). Another good point that was made was that it is not the guns that kill people, it is the people that kill people. The group against the second amendment also made a good point suggesting that people’s backgrounds should be checked for mental illness before buying a gun. The other group bounced right back saying that having a mental illness doesn’t make you a cereal killer. The pro second amendment group added that putting restrictions on guns won’t stop people from illegally getting guns. You also can’t stop people from hunting. If guns stopped being sold, many people would lose their jobs too. Guns are good for self defense, not committing crimes. The group opposed to the Second Amendment said that taking away automatic guns would be good because there was a shooting in 1999 that involved an automatic weapon. Another good way to prevent gun violence is making sure that gun dealers are selling guns to good people. After the Sandy Hook shooting, 58% of people agreed with stricter gun laws compared to the 43% of people that agreed with stricter gun laws the year before. As you can see, the Second Amendment is a very controversial topic. There was another controversial topic that was discussed at on of the debates. It was whether Edward Snowden should be given the Medal of Honor or if Edward Snowden should be arrested. The group that thinks Edward Snowden should be given the Medal of Honor won the debate because they made better points than the side that thinks Edward Snowden should be arrested. The side that thinks Edward Snowden should the Medal of Honor explained that it took bravery for Edward Snowden to do what he did (which was expose the NSA to the United States of America. He stood up for his beliefs. They also said that Edward Snowden’s actions meet the requirements for the Medal of Honor. The other group opposed this issue and pointed out that he was and is a bad role model because he stole something that wasn’t his. They also said that he is not brave because he ran away to Moscow, Russia to hide. They added that he is guilty of treason too. Then, the pro Edward Snowden group said that he exposed the NSA which is a good thing because the NSA is bad and looks into everybody’s stuff. After that, the group opposed to Edward Snowden said that the NSA is good because it is able to get information about criminals and terrorists. They also pointed out that if you are innocent and have nothing to hide, people shouldn’t care about what other people see. Another point made by the other group (the pro Edward Snowden group) was that it was wrong for the NSA to be a secret from the people. Also, Edward Snowden has first amendment rights of freedom of speech. In addition, they said that exposing other people doing wrong things doesn’t mean that you're doing wrong things. As you can see, the Edward Snowden issue is a very controversial topic. The last controversial topic that was discussed was about torture.
One of the groups argued that torture is sometimes okay while the other group argued that under no circumstances is torture allowed. In my opinion, the group that is against torture won the debate because they had more good points than the other group did. The group that was against torture argued that torture affects innocent people and ruins people’s lives. The group that is says sometimes torture is okay said that torture is helpful when getting information from suspected terrorists. There is also always a reason for doing it. The government gets background information about these suspects before even thinking about using “enhanced interrogation” techniques on them. It helps them find about key information because there is no other way to get information from them. The no torture group fights back saying that you don’t want to stoop down to their level and that you do not necessarily know if they are terrorists. If you keep getting the wrong people, you will just keep going in circles. You could even accidently kill the person while waterboarding them and there is no justification for killing someone you don’t know. The torture that is okay with torture clarified that torture is only okay under certain circumstances because there is no other way to get information from them. If you just kept them in a prison, they would wait their whole life before giving up any information. Then, the no torture group
pointed out that there might not be enough evidence to waterboard someone and that the CIA might just be too desperate. These people might have actually never done anything. As you can see, this is just one of the few controversial topics that were discussed in the three debates happened on Thursday, Friday and Monday.
environments. Bill Clede ideas in his article seem to be guild by the idea of
The United State of America, established by the Founding Father who lead the American Revolution, accomplished many hardship in order to construct what America is today. As history established America’s future, the suffering the United State encountered through history illustrate America’s ability to identify mistakes and make changes to prevent the predictable. The 2nd Amendment was written by the Founding Father who had their rights to bear arms revoked when they believe rising up to their government was appropriate. The Twentieth Century, American’s are divided on the 2nd Amendment rights, “The right to bear arms.” To understand why the Founding Father written this Amendment, investigating the histories and current measures may help the American people gain a better understanding of gun’s rights in today’s America.
On December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified effective by Congress. These first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America promised the states certain rights and freedoms which could not be infringed by the government. After all, the founding fathers knew from experience that men in their weakness were often tempted by power. They had become all too familiar with this when under the control of King George in England. Therefore, in order to protect the future people of their beautiful country, they promised certain liberties which could not be taken away. Every single one of these freedoms is important for the United States of America. However, the second amendment is especially important to our nation because it allows the people to protect their freedom and defend themselves and the common good against an overreaching government.
The U.S. should not have gun control laws. The Second Amendment to the Constitution states that, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” This amendment has been around since 1791, and there has been gun control almost as long as it's been around. The National Rifle Association is an advocate of the Second Amendment and an opponent of those who propose restrictions on guns. Even Presidents Reagan and Bush are members, and Nixon, Eisenhower, and Kennedy were also members. Why do people feel the need to own a handgun? One reason is heritage. For as long as this country has been around, there have been gun owners, to defend themselves and to hunt for food. Buying, owning, or carrying a handgun doesn't hurt anyone. Until a person commits a crime, he/she is free to choose what he/she wants to do. Even if guns were completely banned from the U.S.A., people would still find a way to get them. Criminals would get guns. They would have their way, and there would be nothing we could do about it. We would have no way to defend ourselves. What is gun control to you? To me, it is the unconstitutional regulation and banning of guns to try to keep the crime rates in this country down. Does it work? Some gun laws are okay and they may work to some extent, but not to the extent that was intended. As for most of these gun laws such as the Brady Law, it serves no purpose. It is only there to make our lawmaking bodies and those of us who are too naive to see the truth feel better. Do you really think that the Brady Law keeps handguns out of the hands of criminals?
history with a right to bear arms. Finally one can see the conflict of views
The Second Amendment to the Constitution(Second Amendment) of the United States of America(USA) is one of the most controversial. The Second Amendment specifically grants that, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed"
Throughout the past decade or so the Second Amendment rights issues have arisen with the demand of individuals rights to keep and bear arms. The constitution states the “a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” In the court case upheld in the Supreme Court Columbia vs. Heller, the ongoing debate of this interpretation of the Second Amendment. Heller, a special officer in Washington D.C., was denied the right to being able to register a handgun to keep at home. This case was taken up to the Supreme Court due to Heller’s argument stating that the government of the nation’s capital must obey the Constitution and the Bill of Rights because these texts are the supreme law of the land. Heller’s belief of injunction was certain, “at least one of the founding fathers said that there will be times when the State or Federal Government will overstep its bounds and will need to be put back into its place.” There has not been any lower court cases or any true precedent case besides Columbia vs. Heller for Drake vs. Jerejian. Drake vs. Jerejian seeks an end to the unjustified denial of carry permits by the State of New Jersey; and the unreasonable restriction for concealed carry permits citing “justifiable need” or “urgent necessity” for the issuance of a permit. Constitutional rights are protected under the law and may not be denied by government officials because of perceived “need” or “necessity.” The Second Amendment should not only guarantee this right to possess firearms to members of militia but also to those who may grant this privilege, as well that it’s a right in our constitution. An individual’s Second Amendment right should se...
On the opposite side, there are people very much in favor of the use of torture. To them, torture is a “morally defensible” interrogation method (8). The most widely used reason for torture is when many lives are in imminent danger. This means that any forms of causing harm are acceptable. This may seem reasonable, as you sacrifice one life to save way more, but it’s demoralizing. The arguments that justify torture usually are way too extreme to happen in the real world. The golden rule also plays a big rol...
Some people think that states that allow citizens to carry guns only raises the crime rate in that state. Studies have actually shown that states that allow citizens to carry guns actually have a lower crime rate. States that allow citizens to carry guns have actually shown to lower murder rates from 5.6 killings per 100,000 people to 4.2.
The first amendment is the cornerstone of our American society founded years ago by our forefathers. Without the first amendment many ideas, beliefs, and groups could not exist today. The first amendment guaranteed the people of the United States the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition. Although the first amendment guarantees us, Americans the freedom of speech, we cannot use it to cause others harm. This amendment has helped shaped Americans into what we are today, because of our right to assemble, speak freely, and worship as we please.
The topic of gun control comes with a widely spilt crowd. Some people believe that gun control is essential, especially in today’s world. Some people think gun control will help with decreasing crime and making the nation a safer place for us to live. On the other hand, there are people who speak of anti-gun control. These people believe the right to bear arms would make our nation a safe place to live due to the fact that we would have protection. Do you think the Government has the right to make something illegal like the right to bear arm? In my opinion, the Government cannot simply because it will be an offence to our founding fathers, who gave us the national right to bear arm. Also, for making
Recently in the city of Jesse James, Texas there was yet another mass shooting incident. Several parishioners at a local baptist church were attacked. At least a dozen individuals were killed and at least that many wounded. After the fact, the city council has decided to pass legislation making several, restrictive changes on firearms and their ownership. This action raises questions regarding the constitutionality of this action.
Why does the Second Amendment matter? Tragedies like the recent Orlando shooting bring this question to the fore. It is clear that the Second Amendment makes America unique. Few other countries guarantee the right to bear arms to a degree comparable with the United States. So why is this guarantee so important? Do we still need it?
Some people in the United States of America feel that the Second Amendment should be removed do to crimes in our country. Others feel that if the amendment was removed, that the brutal death rates would go up, so there would be more harm than good. Although most people believe that guns can be dangerous, we should not amend the Second Amendment because people need guns for home and self defense, guns are a reliable source to help put food on the table, and they are also a way to help keep terror groups and enemies out of our country.
Should the fact that criminals are committing crimes with the use of guns violate our right to possess guns? The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, which is part of the bill of rights. With that being said we should take into account that all people who own a gun are not intending to do harm to others. Even if gun control laws happen to get passed, what about the innocent being murdered by gangs or mentally ill people? What if people try to steal possessions while using a gun to scare our American citizens? The cops cannot be there to protect us every second of the day and seconds can be a matter of life and death. Therefore, we should protect the right of free men and likewise punish the criminals who abuse this right of the Second Amendment. This issue completely contradicts the Second Amendment of the citizens of The United States written by our forefathers. Also guns do more good than harm, such as the thrill of hunting game and protecting our family and belongings.