Searching For The Truth In The Bible

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Truth can be defined as “the conformity to reality or actuality” (“Truth”). When taken literally, this definition can only be applied to merely factual statements such as: “the earth is round” or “one plus one equals two.” Another such example of the literal definition of truth can be seen in the philosophical rational truths that are applicable to all pieces of factual information or certain empirical, matter of fact truths. Thus, the truth of the Bible is often sought for in history, so that the Bible can be tied to reality and made into an actuality. However, such thought patterns are likely travel down a twisting road leading to one conclusion:the Bible is not true. Although,by searching for the truth of the Bible in the past leads to …show more content…

According to this article, it is wrongful to search for the truth in the Bible both in the past and in the future. Searching for the truth of the Bible in the past is flawed thinking because then one is basing the truth of the Bible in history, rather than in the message and intent for which the Bible was written. By finding historical accuracy in the Bible, the true meaning of the Gospels is compromised. The past is also harmful to the truth of the Bible because if the Bible gets history wrong, than the Bible is no longer true. The very beginning of the Bible is somewhat inaccurate because it is scientifically known that the earth took much longer than “seven days” to create, and while the Bible may have been using an understandable or symbolic time frame, it is thus historically and scientifically inaccurate and could be considered untrue. However, this is not the case and thus the truth of the Bible cannot be searched for in the past. On the opposite extreme, people will try to justify the truth of the Bible in the future. The claim is that the Bible is a prophecy for things to come, and that while it may not be true in current reality, it shall one day become actuality. However, this mentality is also massively flawed and cannot accurately depict the truth of the Bible. The reason that this mentality is considered flawed is due to the fact that very little of the Bible is prophetic at all. Furthermore, using the Bible as a prophecy is complicated due to the fact that prophecies are bendable and general and can be applied to a variety of scenarios, causing such ideas to lose accuracy. Finally, this is a flawed mentality because prophecies, especially the few existing ones in the Bible, have no definitive end. Thus, it is a continuous, never ending, always moving endeavour

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