Sea World: The Use Of Ethos In Black Fish

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In 1961, Sea World started with their orca program. They started off by herding orcas into coves and taking their babies from the coast of Washington. At first everyone from the whale hunters to the everyday civilian believed that SeaWorld was only doing this for the whale’s benefit. Of course, there was those few critics that said the whales should stay in their natural habitat, and that it was inhumane. But Sea world seemed to be very good at covering their backs. They claimed that they were only taking the whales that weren’t fit for the natural environment claiming they had collapsed dorsal fins and that the other whales saw these whales as “outcasts”. Which we later find out was just a cover ups for their failure to properly take care …show more content…

The use of ethos in Black Fish contained many versions and different sides of respectable people throughout the sea world community, and “experts” in the domesticated animal field. Mark Simmons, a former Sea World Orca trainer, talks about how when he first became a trainer at sea world. He explains that at first glance these whales looked like they have a great life. But after a few years of really getting in touch with these animals, concluded that the whales were only acting in such behavior because they were tortured and trained to behave in that way or the whales would be deprived of food. Sea world released a video to ease the minds of the skeptics that didn’t understand the intentions of Sea World for making these whales show animals. Jim Solomons, a spokesman for Sea World claims that the whales are in captivity because they have birth defects causing them not to be fit for the wild. Which in return gives the whales a better life. Another video was released debunking Sea Worlds claim using a OSHA whale researcher. Dave Duffus explains statistics on how all the so called “birth defects” are due to captivity. He states the issues the whales had that Sea World Claimed to give them the right to take the whales out of the ocean was false, and only do to the stress of …show more content…

Most of the Segments are the whale trainers that had the best connection with them. The first Part of the documentary starts off with soft music in the background with a video playing of a trainer being drown by a whale. It then cuts to the other trainers crying and expressing their feeling for a beloved coworker. The fact that this film starts off with such an emotional feel towards it portrays that most of the video is going to be directed in more of a pathos way. Most of the trainers admitted that the whales weren’t treated the best. They were then asked why they continued to work for something they didn’t believe in, and they all replied the same. They felt that if they didn’t stay that the whales would be treated even worse. Steve Huxter said that he didn’t enjoy his job. He felt that he was trapped because he believed without his emotional bond with the whales that no one would treat them with the same care and respect the whales

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