Sea Cucumber in Medical Application

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Sea cucumbers from class of Holothuroidea are a group of echinoderms that include about 1,250 known living species. It is a unique creature due to the existence of endoskeleton or internal skeleton that consists of tiny ossicles or spicules, small particles of calcium carbonate embedded in the body wall. Mostly of them are indeed shaped like soft-bodied cucumbers. Generally, sea cucumbers can grow to the lengths of between 4 to 12 inches but there are also few species that are smaller or larger in size. Sea cucumbers have thick skin and their body can elongate due to contraction of circular muscles around their body. Their mouth is surrounded by tentacles and it is located at the front of their body.

All sea cucumbers are ocean dwellers. Some of it inhabits the shallows and others live in the deep ocean. They live on the ocean floor and sometimes partially buried underneath it. There are also some species that hide under rocks or in crevices. Sea cucumber is ocean dwellers that survive feeding on tiny particles like algae, microscopic aquatic animals such as plankton, and waste materials that fall onto the sea floor. They plays an important role in the ecosystems because they will break down all those particles into even smaller pieces, which become food for bacteria, and thus recycle the nutrient back into the ocean ecosystem.

When sea cucumbers were threatened, some of them can discharge sticky threads to trap their enemies while others can mutilate their own bodies as a defense mechanism. They will aggressively contract their muscles and throw away some of their internal organs out of their anus. Then, the lost organs are quickly regenerated.

For the repr...

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...ctive as chemotherapy with additional benefit where the treatment goes well without giving any side effects.

1.3.4 Product of Sea Cucumber

Sea cucumber is one of the sea creatures that contain high protein, carbohydrates, and essential fatty acids. They are also rich in collagen, vitamin A, vitamins B, and minerals. It also has amino acids which are similar to fish oil that might promote a healthy heart and brain. When used as a jelly or cream based product, sea cucumber extract has potential to reduce scarring and moisturize the skin thus reduce signs of aging.

From the nutritional point of view, sea cucumber is an ideal tonic food. It has high protein (at 55%) compared to any other food except egg whites (at 99%). In addition, sea cucumber also has lower in fat than most other foods.

Figure 7: Example of product from sea cucumber.

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