Scientific Literacy Report

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Scientific Literacy means that a person can ask, uncover, or resolve answers to questions derived from curiosity about everyday life events. Somebody who can uderstand and process the term and knowledge and them apply to everday issues. It will later serve to deal more effectively with decision-making and problem solving in their lives. I personally feel that it should be emphasized in classroom at all times. If students were exposed at a younger age to form of teaching, they would have an appreciation for science due to their curiosity. By exposing students to science, they develop a positive attitude towards science. Many adults fondly remember activities from elementary school. For example, my 4th grade teacher planted seeds and we as a …show more content…

Students understand science better when it’s comes to hands-on activity. When science becomes experiential, children are more likely to remember it and at the same time enjoy it. We shouldn’t have to cram our students with scientific facts and information. Instead we should have them explore the world by observing plants in the school playground or simply looking outside to determine the climate. I also feel that the classroom atmosphere does contribute to how children learn best. By providing kids with a positive classroom environment they will be able to share their curiosity without being judged.
Whether the assessment is formal or informal it is good for so many things. As part of the tasks of teaching, assessment helps us as teachers determine how we should structure our lessons and what ways the students could best learn a certain topic. By providing a formative assessment, a teacher can determine which student are advance in the material and which students need to be re-taught. This will allow the student to have gain the same learnings and same opportunity to demonstrate

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