Science Versus Religion in H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds

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Martians are trying to take over the world. We humans cannot defeat them. Even with our superlative weapons we are not managing to defeat the Martians. At the ends of the novel little tiny microorganisms are managing to defeat these Martians.

The key themes and ideas are Industrialization, Imperialism and science vs. Religion. Industrialization means using off weapons or machines. This is shown in the Novel by H.G. Wells that the Martians are killing the human race by using off their machines and weapons. Imperialism means that creating an empire like United Kingdom just is. This is shown in the Novel by H.G. Wells that the Martians are trying to create their own empire by starting off with the great city London. Science vs. Religion had a really argument against each other and this is shown in the Novel by H.G. Wells that the Narrator (represented as Science) killed the Curate (represented as Religion) which means that Science won against Religion.

This book was written in 1897 and was published in 1898 by H.G. Wells. H.G. Wells was a Science Biology teacher and that made him writing these superb science fiction Novels because before he wrote these science fiction novels he had a background of Science. The Time Machine, the visible man and ‘The War of the Worlds’ were all written by H.G. Wells and are still effecting the science fiction world, literature, television series and stories of other authors.

‘Social Order’ is the behaviour of the society around us, means the performance the community around us has is the social order. A part of social order is that the Government had set laws for us and are controlled by the police and the court. Our parents are part of the social order as well because they enlighten us what is w...

... middle of paper ... this because as Martians trying to destroy your world and even the Government which has the whole control over the ‘Society’ is running away from the Martians as well.

At the end of the novel H.G. Wells presents ‘Social Order’ as been destroyed and nothing left except the hope from the artilleryman. A modern reader would not react to this because if Martians destroyed everything we’ve worked for we cannot do anything about it. But Wells could do something about it.

I really enjoyed this novel because he included so many scientific words like ‘liquefaction’ or ‘inert’ which makes the novel quite remarkable. The metaphors he used are very good thought of because as you read it you think you are in the event. The sacrificing from the artilleryman is the moral of the novel because it means that you never should give up even when everybody thinks everything is over.

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