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Question 1
Science has been changing with time over the years. The way things are technologically are different from the way it was before and will be in the future. The way people in the past handled things in terms of how they believed science to be are quite different from the current times. The way technologies will be in the future. The evolution of technology is aimed at making the work of human beings very easy. It is the essence of being the hero in this day and age.

The critical analysis of this evolution of this technology has led to various questions being raised. There is the element of resisting change, which has been there from time in memorial till now. This is an aspect that must be looked at when the heroic view of science. Science is a matter of changing beliefs and systems of how people change through physical evidence of new ideas experimented. The view of these experiments can be questioned on various grounds. They are either the positive way or the negative way which people tend to find it as the easier option until when they accept change and the good things that comes with science.

We will always question science and what it offers mankind because it is the thing that is meant to provide people with the link to a better tomorrow. This is the heroic view that will be raised when questioning science and the path it is taking us. Technology will change but the way we look at things impact us in a positive way since we thrive at a better tomorrow but will come with the price of disbelief and doubt at first until it is accepted.

Question 2
Narratives have been known to be the means of passing information to children and young adults in a way they would easily understand. The essence of a narrative is to sim...

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...s means but the price of solving these challenges is quite steep and the country men feel it. The fact that they find the resource, which they have been searching for Is not enough but there is the need to be in complete freedom of the civilians to use this resource to their own benefit. The fact that people always look for ways to exploit others comes out in a critical way in this movie and is considered the price poor men pay for their loyalty to their country.

The author tries to show the story from different angles as people will have different perspective of things when it comes to anything. This difference is what makes this movie to be very interesting always. These shows a side, which is rarely seen in real life since we only see the plight of people who fight the good and the people who benefit from such projects as a whole not the other side of the coin.

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