School Should Get Out Of School Essay Outline

1101 Words3 Pages

1. Introduction
A. Thesis Statement
2. Definition
B. School
C. China

1. Do you believe school should be longer?
2. If you believe school should be longer why?
3. What time should get out?
4. Should school be year around?

I believe school not be year around. If anything they should reduce the time we in school. Nobody wants to stay in school year round if we do more kids might drop out. If we reduce the time we have to be in school more kids might show up to learn and exactly graduate and go off to college and become something with themselves like lawyers doctors etc. if kids are made to stay in school year round they might get tired and depressed. If the is lessen for school kids might use their exacter time to study and learn new things by their selves instead of spending all day in a hot class that make them sleepy.
When students go on summer break they tend to forget the things they learned at school so most parents want their child to go to school year round so they can become smarter and so they can have things to do over the summer. Some people think kids are wasting their time when they get out of school because they don’t do anything over summer break. Also parents think that it helps the kids remember stuff better NO!! it doesn’t it put more stress on a child and when stress happen a lot more things happen like dropping out killing their self. Beating up on people depression and etc.
People think by having school year around change everything but it doesn’t someone can go to school year round and still act the same way and do the same things. Kids would miss more and more days out of school then ever they would stop...

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...want to come at all.

What Exactly Is Year-Round Schooling?
Kids in year-round schools attend classes for anywhere from six to nine weeks in a row, broken up by two- to four-week vacations. That, say some educators, keeps the learning process ongoing with minimal disruption. A Duke University study even suggested kids attending year-round schools are at a slight advantage, because they don't forget what they learned during the long summer break
The Multi-Schedule Juggle
Frequent breaks are a mainstay of year-round schooling, but they aren't for everyone. Patricia McCracken, who grew up attending a year-round school in Virginia Beach, Virginia, says she found the two-week breaks, which occurred every six weeks at her school, to be disruptive. "It was really hard to get involved in the work because as soon as you geared up, you had to gear back down again."

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