Scholarship Essay: The Importance Of Vision And Sight

623 Words2 Pages

What "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground” means to me: Scholarship Essay Contest

"Why is sight/vision important?"

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Minimum 2.5 GPA: 3.375/ 4.0

542- Word essay

Joely Hale

You can have a physical sight and vision, or a mental sight and vision.

However of the known five traditionally recognized senses; sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch

Vision and sight sense are the most important of all. Why sight and vision are important is because; You would not be able to see where you are going, where you are at or what is around you without sight. You could hear and listen, taste and discern, smell and distinguish and touch and compare, but without vision you can not prepare, be aware or observe what you may not be able to hear, smell, touch, taste. …show more content…

Who, what and where Vision and Sight are typically used?; In a sentence as the subject or object of a verb or as an object of a preposition. Nevertheless; How and when to use vision and sight is with imagination; a manifestation, something immaterial/ becoming aware of, something worth seeing, a perception. The last question or concern to address is why. Why- Vision and sight; And the answer would simply be because Vision and sight are a sense that without you would not be able to see where you are going, where you are at or what is around you without sight. Without vision you can not prepare, be aware or observe; That which you may not be able to hear, smell, touch, taste. And preparing for one's future, success and dreams as an individual and as well as a whole. Seeing where we are going, where we are at and what is around us, is to be prepared and aware. Through observation our immediate perception is our reality, our future perceptions will be our future reality

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