Sandra Cisneros Abuelito Who

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“They were ashamed because they had treated the old `grandfather so meanly…,” the parents had felt guilty after treating the grandfather so inhumane in the Russian folk tale ”The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson” retold by Leo Tolstoy. “...asking who loves him who loves him who?” questioned Abuelito in the poem “Abuelito Who” by Sandra Cisnero. The folk tale “The Old Grandfather...” is about how the parents treated the grandfather disrespectfully and influenced the grandson. The poem “Abuelito Who” is about how Abuelito formed a very connected relationship with the author (Sandra Cisneros) and how the author remembers exactly how he was like before he became aged and is always stuck in his room. In the poem “Abuelito Who” by Sandra Cisneros …show more content…

A precedent of the main idea in the poem is , “Abuelito who throws coins like rain”(1). This citation illustrates how much Abuelito loved and cared for the author by describing how the abelito would generously give money like rain. Another instance from the prose is ,”...’I’m making a wooden bucket. This detail is representing how the minor was shaped in thinking that what the parents did ever so crualy was kind and loving in his eyes. When you and Mamma get old...”(16). In addition this quotes displays how loving the grandfather is in the poem ,”Who tells me in Spanish you are my sky”(7). All of these quotes reveal how much the child or the author looked up to and was influenced by their …show more content…

Abuelito is getting old and sick from his old age. He is not spending as much time as he was before with the author and almost being like no one lives in the house anymore he, “ hiding underneath the bed”(17). “His legs wouldn't carry him, his eyes could not see...”(1). This line is portraying how elderly the “Old Grandfathers ” is but still the adults still treated him cruelly,”...she said that from now on he would get his food in an wooden dish”(10). This is very cruel, for example would one treat a dying pet with disrespect? These lines are expressing how one should treat their elders respectfully because they will not be around as long as one should

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