Samurai Research Paper

750 Words2 Pages

Everything You Need to Know About The Samurai

Magnus Chenel
Social Studies
Sunday, May 14 2017

Everything You Need to Know About The Samurai In ancient Japan, there was a warrior class called the samurai. They were the greatest warrior class of all! They followed a specific code called the Bushido! They had cool weapons! Even the Women played their part. In today’s modern society, the ancient samurai society is not only considered the “Way of the Warrior” but a way of life.
For 600 years, the government of Japan depended on a warrior class for their military. That warrior class is famously known as the Samurai. “The samurai were highly skilled japanese warriors that hailed from noble families.” What this really means the samurai, …show more content…

The most common weapon in samurai culture is the katana. “Katanas were usually carried with a smaller blade in a pair called daisho, which was a status symbol used only by the samurai.” What this quote from source f is trying to say is that samurai were always protected, because they had two swords. They also had long distance weapons such as tanegashima. “Samurai’s long distance weapon of choice was the tanegashima, a flintlock rifle, that became popular among samurai and their footmen.”. What this quote really means is that tanegashima was frequently used by the samurai. Samurai also had intensive training in things like writing and self control and battle. “ samurai also wrote poetry, one famous samurai poet was Matsuo Basho. He later invented a type of poem called a haiku.” that quote stated the history of the haiku and the inventor. “You need to have extensive training. Young samurai were apprenticed to archery masters until they could shoot accurately without thinking on horseback.” This quote shows how hard young Samurai had to train. “They had to learn to endure pain and suffering, young Samurai went days without eating, walked barefoot in the snow, and held stiff postures for hours without complaining.” This proves how extensive training was to become a …show more content…

The men may have did a great deal of work but really it was the women who did some if not all of the work. “The position of the women in the samurai society declined overtime. In the 12th century, the women class enjoyed honor and respect.” In other words, the women were very respected in the 12th century Japan. “By the 17th century, however Samurai Women were treated inferior to their husbands.”. What this really means is that women from the 17th century were not treated with the same respect and they were in the 12th century. The actual class itself was the most well known social class in Japan’s history. “Samurai were the most well known class of people in ancient Japan. They were noble fighters that fought evil and each other with their sword and frightening armour following a strict moral code that governed their life.” All in all, the Samurai were Japan’s most beloved

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