Samsung's Case Study On The Posibility Of Samsung Electronics

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Introduction Few companies have the privilege of playing a role in the lives of billions of people each and every day. The reason we choose to do research on the sustainability of Samsung is because now a day’s so many people are confronted with Samsung every day. Phones, tablet’s, computer’s, TV’s, washing machines, kitchen equipment, Samsung has a wide range of products and can be found in almost every household. ‘’At Samsung, we believe it's our responsibility to do business in a way that enriches our planet. That's why we carry out a wide range of environmental activities all around the world. We're the leader in delivering innovative eco-friendly products to consumers and are committed to product stewardship throughout the entire lifecycle …show more content…

Samsung Electronics CSR initiatives are classified into segments, namely: - Integrity Management - Green Management - Social Contribution - Product & services - Partner Collaboration with business partners In the report of Samsung’s sustainable management system they mentioned the following, “ We ensure that business activities are closely connected with our CSR activities in response to stakeholders needs and major issues. Under the CSR vision of “Global Harmony with People, Society and Environment”, Samsung strives to build a society where people, society and the environment coexist in harmony. Electronic Industry Citizenship …show more content…

When looking at the numbers that were released you can speak of progress in those two areas. Their good eco product rate is standing at a 100%. In their Samsung Sustainability Challenge video on YouTube they made notice of the fact that the components of their products all were resourced in a responsible way which is still a bit questionable because they are actually affecting the environment in the area which they resource. Samsung’s products are also developed to the highest environmental requirements. In the report it is also stated that they are upgrading the recyclability of the products, this indicates that they are supporting the circular economy concept and attribute to it. Some concrete examples of environmental improvements and attributions to a circular economy are provided in the report. (Samsung, 2013) Environmental improvement is positive but related to the costs that come with it. Therefore it can be questioned if the achieved process is the maximum or just limited to the point with acceptable costs. (Samsung,

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