Saint Yared Research Paper

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. Her influences, by the Ethiopian heritage of her ancestors, by the 1980s pop on her childhood radio stations.
2. Slow down to a pace that the human ear mistakenly recognizes as its own. Sometimes we think that what we are hearing it’s about how its sounds like, but the truth is that you never really know how music can be made of, and sometimes we just follow our instinct
3. 1500 years ago, a young man was born in the empire of Aksum, a major trading center of the ancient world. His name was Yared. When Yared was 7 years old his father died, and his mother sent him to go live with uncle, who was a priest of the Empire Orthodox tradition, one of the oldest churches in the world. Yared had to study and study and study and one day he was studying under a tree, when three birds came to him. One by one, these birds became his teachers. They taught him music scales, in fact and Yared, eventually recognized as Saint Yared, used these scales to compose five volumes of chants and hymns for worship and celebration. Thriving and still evolving in Ethiopia today. …show more content…

Language that’s meant to highlight or underline or that springs from surprise. The natural world can be our cultural teacher. Every language communicates with pitch to varying degrees, where a shift in melodic inflection gives the same phonetic syllable and entirely different meaning. She uses the word ‘‘INDEY” as an example it dips, and then raises again.
5. that even when there are no strings being plucked by fingers or hands hammering piano keys, still there is music, it is the everyday soundscape that arises from the audience themselves: their coughs, their sights. Cage’s point is that there is no such thing as true silence. The world is alive with musical

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