Sayfi Alshallali
Assignment 11
According to "Safe to Eat" by Dr. Linda Harris talked about food safety foodborne diseases. People have many food choices, but they don't know how this foods are prepared and which place this foods are manufactured. In 2011, when tsunami hit Miami, thousands of farmlands were flooded. She said there are 312,798,753 people in the U.S and 6,985,654,299 of the world population and this number is going to increase, she asked how we can feed all these people. In the world wide, one of seven people are suffering from hunger. By 2011, Americans start to deal with obesity as much as it is related with food safety. Americans have started to change their way of food consumption from pyramid guidance after consumption for
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healthy foods into "choose my plate" approach.
This transition of food consumption approach in order to avoid the obesity problem and health issues that are related to food. She talked about "Microbial Food Safety" that may lead to diseases after food consumption. In the U.S, there are numerous outbreaks have on foodborne illness over the last ten years and they are related to sprouts. Internationally, microbes could be transmitted among countries through seeds that are propagated far away from original location which is involved around people health safety. Domestically, Disease control publish an estimate for foodborne illnesses in the US every ten years. They have two publications focused on unspecified agents and major pathogens. The relationship between food and illness comes from foods that are suspected to cause of illnesses, but causes of these illnesses still unknown. Moreover, there are known 31 major pathogens comes from foods cause illnesses such as Norovirus and Clostridium perfringens etc, and ten of then are the major pathogens that …show more content…
cause illnesses in the US widely. Student perspective The probability that food may cause the disease to people who eat food is very scary.
Harmful bacteria are the most common cause of foodborne diseases. There are many diseases that are gaining by eating contaminated food or drink such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. This diseases of foodborne can be through toxins produced by organism which is sometimes called food poisoning. I think that rank of diseases from foodborne change over time, whereas, for example, diseases that took the first place previous ten years may not be the common pathogens after ten years. In my opinion, reviewing the models that used for public health in every stage of dealing with food such as food receipt, storage and preparation will decrease the percentage of getting infected. Industrially, producers must adopt a bacterial testing of food from all the various stages of production. Consumers should report any type of food poisoning in order to identify the reasons to avoid falling into such problems in the future. Most of the diseases transmitted through foods can be controlled if we understand how we could deal with the food properly. Foods could be a hazard if foods are contaminated. Lifestyle would be important part in exposure to infectious diseases that come from food. Ensuring food quality and safety are essential and important to maintain the public health as well as this responsibility is shared between governments and food producers. People may not know that the cause of diseases
are originally from bacteria, microorganisms and germs which is from food sources. Most of these pathogens are transmitted by more than one way. I believe that most doctors do not always know whether a particular disease may be transmitted through food or through another way. It is possible that raw meat being contaminated during the slaughter and cutting process. The fruits and vegetables can be contaminated through its growth or through packaging and wrapping. However, food contamination can happen in the kitchen inside the house if the food has been at room temperature for more than two hours. Raw foods often contain numerous kinds of bacteria that can cause diseases through food. I think that infants, children, pregnant women and the elderly are at risk of infection by food-borne diseases more than others. Prevention from transmitted diseases through food is possible, through food preservation in appropriate place, cooked food well, cleanse food properly. Moreover, maintaining personal hygiene by washing both hands using soap and warm water before and after handling raw meat and chicken meat, seafood, vegetables, fruits and eggs, especially food from animal source. Food eaters should not take the outer evidences to judge the food validity that may is contaminated which could be danger to human health.
Communicable diseases are one of the major concerns in public health, as it poses a significant threat to the population. The study of epidemiology allows nurses to understand the cause of the disease and helps determine the levels of prevention to be implemented in order to limit the spread of the disease (Lundy & Janes, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to: a) use an epidemiological model to identify the organism involved in the case study, as well as its pathology, etiology, diagnosis, and prognosis; b) describe the distribution of health events within Schenectady; c) identify the determinants affecting morbidity and mortality; d) determine the deterrents that exists within the affected population; e) calculate the outbreak’s incubation period; f) identify the individuals affected during endemic levels; g) provide a list of foods that were most susceptible to mass contamination; and h) determine the people involved in the food borne outbreak and analyze the possible cause of this occurrence.
American society has grown so accustomed to receiving their food right away and in large quantities. Only in the past few decades has factory farming come into existence that has made consuming food a non guilt-free action. What originally was a hamburger with slaughtered cow meat is now slaughtered cow meat that’s filled with harmful chemicals. Not only that, the corn that that cow was fed with is also filled with chemicals to make them grow at a faster rate to get that hamburger on a dinner plate as quickly as possible. Bryan Walsh, a staff writer for Time Magazine specializing in environmental issues discusses in his article “America’s Food Crisis” how our food is not only bad for us but dangerous as well. The word dangerous could apply to many different things though. Our food is dangerous to the consumer, the workers and farmers, the animals and the environment. Walsh gives examples of each of these in his article that leads back to the main point of how dangerous the food we are consuming every day really is. He goes into detail on each of them but focuses his information on the consumer.
McCoy, J. J. How Safe Is Our Food Supply? New York: F. Watts, 1990. Print.
still a factor that continuously infects humans. In Foodborne Diseases, it says that “They [Salmonell...
as Americans we have to be conscious of the foods that we eat that come from the different livestock. Everything that is not a vegetable comes from some form or another of livestock and sometimes we have to wonder; where is the food coming from? If you asked any five year old he would say “the grocery store”, however as consumers we have to be knowledgeable of the foods we put into our bodies and have good faith that they are coming from quality sources. the cattle industry and government to safeguard the food that we eat. There are already many standards in place, but are they enough? How can we increase the quality of these standards What do we need to be mindful of that decreases the value of these standards What are some of the actions being taken by private industry to ensure quality? Is the government taken the same actions to keep the American consumer safe?
Food science has also done some damage to people’s diets by replacing fresh food in our supermarkets to aisles of boxed and frozen food that lack nutrients in them This problem was noticed in 1977 when a document called Dietary Goals for the United States was created after rates of coronary heart disease had soared in America since World War II. In 1977, the lipid hypothesis, it proposes that dietary or saturated fat causes heart disease by raising the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Government has been changing the Dietary Guidelines for the United States quite often which proves not even scientists know everything about nutrition. Nutritionism has led to the creation of processed foods which has been
Step sisters since the age of 6 and 10, Candy Clinkscale and Linda Snoddy were both widows by the age of 85, making them excellent candidates to interview. Candy Clinkscale age 72 was born March 14, 1946 on the south side of Columbus, Ohio. Her relationship to the researcher is the grandmothers older step sister, formally known as an aunt. Clinkscale, who was born to a mother of European descent, is one fourth African American but identifies herself as an Caucasian female. Growing up, Clinkscale was born into an impoverished family but heightened her social economic status after marrying her husband Leroy Clinkscale III. Leroy was a native from Detroit, Michigan of African American descent. The two met at Central State University in Xenia,
It is no secret that the United States is in danger health-wise. When driving around a typical American town, it is obvious that Americans like restaurants. However, these are not always healthy. There are some pretty shocking statistics about American health in the Forks Over Knives documentary. For example, every minute, a person in the United States dies of heart disease; forty percent of Americans are obese; 1 in 5 four year olds in the United States in obese; and one in three people born in the United States today will develop diabetes at some point in their lives (Forks Over Knives). It is no coincidence that the American diet is made up of mostly animal protein and processed foods and Americans are extremely unhealthy. All this meat and processed food is greatly detrimental to the health of humans, and this is shown in several studies. Dr. Colin Campbell did two separate twelve-week studies on rats, detailed in the Forks Over Knives documentary. The first study had two groups of rats. One group was fed a diet of 20 percent casein (the main protein in dairy
Cancer Causing Dye Found in Foods Britain's largest food recall was under way last night after an illegal dye known to cause cancer was found to have contaminated millions of ready meals and cooking sauces. More than 350 product lines, ranging from prawn salad to Pot Noodles, were being withdrawn by supermarkets and retailers after the Food Standards Agency (FSA) warned they were contaminated by Sudan I - a red colouring normally used in products such as shoe polish and petrol. Medical experts said the presence of the chemical led to an increased risk of cancer but insisted that there was no risk of "immediate ill-health". The cost of the recall, which affects own-brand foods produced by all the major supermarkets and leading manufacturers including Heinz and Birds Eye, was estimated at more than £15m. The red dye, which is banned across the European Union, was contained in a five-ton batch of chilli powder that was used to produce Worcester Sauce by Premier Foods, one of Britain's largest food processing companies. The FSA said that the Worcester Sauce, a common flavouring in processed foods, had been sold to numerous suppliers in recent weeks, who in turn produce foods for outlets from supermarket chains to convenience stores.
Eating is extremely important, it is also important to eat healthy. Most Americans eat without any concerns; they are not questioning or researching what they are feeding themselves or their family. A lot of that has to do with their financial stability, not having the time to prepare a meal due to their time-consuming work schedule, also lack of knowledge and education on what they are consuming. In this bibliography, I will go over all three articles and explain what they are about.
Health Canada estimates that about two million Canadian suffers foodborne illness per year and CDC (Center for Disease Control) estimates approximately 76 million foodborne illness cases occur in the United States per year. However, many foodborne illness cases are unreported. Some of the most common bacteria and viruses that cause foodborne illness are Salmonella, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Hepatitis. In the following report, you will read some of the major foodborne illness outbreaks in Canada and United States.
Food-borne transmission refers to any illness that results due to the consumption of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food, as well as chemical or natural toxins such as poisonous mushrooms ( Bacteria is the most often the pathogen that causes food-borne illness. This is usually due to improper handling of foods, improper preparation of food and improper food storage. According to the CDC, the top 5 contributing pathogens to food-borne illness are Norovirus, non-typhoidal Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter spp. and Staphylococcus aureus.
The transportation of people, food, and manufactured goods have a great impact on public health. Many of the less developed countries do not have the same health and sanitary regulations that more developed countries do. When food, goods, and people travel from one country to another, they also carry with them the diseases that are in that particular country. This transportation of diseases causes a huge negative impact on public health. Many steps can be and should be taken to keep these diseases from spreading. Overall each country should check to make sure that all the imports are up to their sanitation standards. This way anything that is brought into a country will be healthier for the people that are buying them. Other ways to keep diseases from spreading are by making sure
Food safety is an increasingly important public health issue. Governments all over the world are intensifying their efforts to improve food safety. Food borne illnesses are diseases, usually either infectious or toxic in nature, caused by agents that enter the body through the ingestion of food. “In industrialized countries, the percentage of people suffering from food borne diseases each year has been reported to be up to 30%. In the United States of America, for example, around 76 million cases of food borne diseases, resulting in 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths, are estimated to occur each year.” (Geneva 2)
The third weakness is the fact that food tests, inspections, and the detection of contaminants are taken seriously only after an outbreak of some food-borne diseases, food poisoning, or deaths. The increase in the number of food establishments or outlets such as cold stores, hypermarkets, and supermarkets reported by the Public Health Director has also made inspection and control mo...