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I chose to watch the Taiwanese film Eat Drink, Man Woman to learn about the roles food plays in peoples’ lives. Eat Drink, Man Woman is a movie about a father known as Master Chef Chu and his three daughters. The basic plot involves Master Chef Chu and his daughter’s love lives. Every Sunday night, the family gathers at an elaborate family dinner and life topics are often discussed.
Food has a significant role throughout the movie. The family dinners are quite elaborate and often have intricate food dishes. The large Sunday dinners with the vast choices of food place a ritual sense on the meal. Throughout the movie, food serves as a catalyst for conversations. For example, many family conversations occur during Sunday dinners. The conversations at dinner can either by positive or negative. During the first Sunday dinner, Master Chef Chu’s second daughter Jia-Chien was critical of Chu’s cooking, she expressed that her father may be loosing his tasting skills to which he does not respond to happily. In other situations the Sunday dinners allows for discussion of big family topics such...

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