Russia’s Invasion of the Ukraine: The Causes and Effects

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Russia’s Invasion of the Ukraine: The Causes and Effects
Throughout history, countries around the world have been invaded by neighboring countries for many different reasons. Some have been invaded for political reasons, others, for religious reasons and some for territorial reasons, like Germany during World War 2. Whatever the case may be, all countries have been invaded in the past at one point in time. A recent example of an intrusion in today’s modern world would be Russia into Ukraine. This incident has different perspectives and has caused a lot of turmoil within the country and the rest of the world; the past, present and future of this event are all tied together.
For centuries, Ukraine has been a part of Russia, but like every country that has wanted to be independent from another country; the two countries have had a complicated history. Until 1991, Ukraine became completely independent from Russia. Since its early days, Ukraine has always had Russian roots simply because it was Russia. Most of the people who live in Ukraine speak Russian. Today, Ukraine is split in two, culturally and politically; the west being Pro-European supporters and the east being Pro-Russian supports. The two cannot seem to see eye to eye when it comes to political reasons in the country. Since 2010, the presidential election divided the country with western Ukraine voting heavily in favor of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych. (Taylor 1) (Saeed, Gumuchian, and Mortensen 1)
Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, wanted to take over Ukraine, Crimea specifically for geopolitical reasons. Vladimir Putin approved military action in Ukraine because it “reserves the right to defend its interests and the Russian speaking people who live there” (Saeed, Gu...

... middle of paper ... helmets, other non-lethal military aid to Ukraine." Fox News. FOX News Network, 17 Apr. 2014. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.
In the end, what we see in the situation in Ukraine is all about the actions that countries involved decide to take. The countries are all keeping a watchful eye on one another and the tension between them is thick. What the countries decide to do from here on out will affect the relationship of the countries and the people living in them in some way. If a country that is on Ukraine’s side does something to help Ukraine but angers Russia in the process, it could lead to some type of military conflict like war. Whatever the case may be in this battle, it is all in due time weather the two countries can work things out amongst themselves and keep the peace or, lead to a big military conflict like another war that will cause many casualties.

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