Running Out of Time

1177 Words3 Pages

This is all my fault. That's why I'm here. My Stupidity. If only I

knew. I wouldn't have done it. How long have I been sitting here? I

don't even know. On the damp, cold, mouldy floor. That's where I'm

sitting. I'm much better than this. I should be out there, earning

myself some money but I'm not. I'm in here, where the rats are and

it's freezing. I tensely look around and I notice there are no

radiators. I turn on the light, it goes out Great, now I'm left alone

in the dark. All alone, I live here, all alone. I've been living here

for the past three months. I wouldn't really call it living, staying

here really. Not that I want to because believe me no-one wants to be

here. The iron bars, the guards, the hand-cuffs. It all gets to you

after a while. The grotty food they give you. It's gross. I don't

deserve to be in here. It's not my fault. No-one wants to help. Why?

My life is falling apart. Poor Jane. It wasn't me though. I didn't

kill her. I couldn't kill anyone. I loved her so much. I still love

her. Everyone knew that. Which is why I don't understand. Normal

people don't go around killing their loved ones do they? Only they

don't think I'm normal. Sometimes, I don't think I'm normal which is

why I deserve to go. Go away. Forever.

I came into the world, the pure, clean world. So innocent, untouched

and righteous. I will leave it as a vile, corrupt, devilish coven that

only I have enticed.

What should I do? There's not much I can do. I can just wait, until

the time is right. Not that I think it's right because it's not.

Taking away an innocent man's life because of a crime he didn't

commit. That's not right is it? I always knew it wasn't right but it

wasn't always about what was right and wrong, it was about the money

as well. I guess I'm paying for it now.

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