Rumors, Conspiracy Theories, and Truth

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A rumor is a subject of propaganda whose veracity is not hurriedly or ever confirmed. It is an account of events that are of public concern and circulate from one person to another. The information circulating could be true or false. Rumors are the oldest form of media. Word of mouth was the only form of communication before the modern forms of communication were invented. With the new inventions, rumors have become even more specialized. However, there is little known about rumors, and it is a significant social phenomenon as it constitutes no man’s knowledge (Kapferer, 2011).
A conspiracy is any occurrence in action that in combination brings about a predetermined result. There are several theories that may be termed as conspiracy theories. These theories usually cannot be proven by historical method and are not similar to each other, even when verified.
The conception that rumors are mysterious is erroneous. They comply with strict logic with mechanisms that can be illustrated. We can answer many questions brought about by rumors and also translate the rumors. They play major roles in our daily lives. They help us to comprehend on how to tackle situations in life. The very heart of rumors is their logic and the fundamental aspect of belief.
It would be dangerous to dismiss conspiracies as just mere curiosity of any given culture. Over time, many dramatic events have provided reminders of the link between mass violence and conspiracy culture. Conspiracy theories are often stories about global power; they fall among the rich societies, movements and political cultures that feel marginalized. Some leaders may reach out to conspiracy theories to justify their economic failures as a means of reinforcing their power...

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...theories and rumors are a form of historical explanation of events. They could be regarded as rational theories if the explanations are intentional. They keep the society aware of the occurrences and explanations of nature. Those who are aware of the explanations can understand the truth about those statements. They choose what to believe according to their wants and needs. Hence, it is correct to say that rumors thrive in the minds of only those who have been predisposed to believe in them. Therefore, truth is in the ear of the beholder (True or not true)

Works Cited

Byford, J. (2011). Conspiracy Theories: A Critical Introduction, Palgrave Macmillian.
Kapferer, J.-N. (2011). Rumors: Uses, Interpretations and Images
True or not true. (n.d.). Retrieved February 15, 2014, from

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