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Viewpoints on homosexuality
Modern views on homosexuality
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In Chapter 10 of Rudolph K. Sanders’ book, Christian Counseling Ethics: A Handbook for Psychologists, Therapists and Pastors, Mark Yarhouse, Jill Kays and Stanton Jones discuss the “sexual minority” as it pertains to the field of professional counseling. This group is defined as “individuals with same sex attractions or behavior, regardless of self-identification” (Sanders, et. al., 2013, p. 252). By looking at counseling the homosexual community through its etiology, standards by which a counselor should proceed with treatment, and the options a client has on deciding treatment options, we can be better prepared as Christian counselors to be better prepared in serving the needs of others.
The idea of being competent is vital in being successful in any career. By being competent in the counseling profession, we can ensure the successfulness in our understanding of mental illnesses, as well as provide the client with the most beneficial treatment for the individual. An interesting statistic found that there is a significant disparity between the percentages of individuals that proclaim same-sex attraction versus individuals that also identify themselves as homosexuals (Sanders, et. al., 2013, p. 253). When pertaining to the origin of homosexuality, many research studies suggest that the etiology derives from a biological standpoint. While the direct cause of homosexuality is not fully determined, recent research would have us believe that there is potentially biological, as well as environmental factors, that can contribute to a person’s attraction to the same sex.
Many research studies have looked at correlations in mental health with homosexuality. Sanders reports that individuals that identify as homosexual or bi...
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...thors also go along to state that after a long period of time, health organizations, including the APA, does not consider homosexuality to be considered a mental illness (2013, p. 269).
While understanding that, again, it is the client’s decision as to what route they was to take [in treatment], I plan on providing each individual with as much scientific and background information as possible in order to allow them to decide what steps need to be taken to assure their mental health improves. Regardless of a person’s race, gender, or sexual orientation, I hope to be a follower of Christ, in helping others regardless of our differences.
Sanders, R., Yarhouse, M., Kays, J., & Jones, S. (2013). The Sexual Minority Client.Christian Counseling Ethics: A Handbook for Psychologists, Therapists and Pastors (251-284). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
A counselor should always keep their thoughts to themselves and remain open-minded about the situation. The only time a counselor should share their thoughts is if it helps the client with their situation that they are dealing with. “Counselors must practice only within the boundaries of their competence (Standard C.2.a.), and, if they “determine an inability to be of professional assistance to clients” (Standard A.11.b.), they should facilitate a referral to another provider. (Kocet, M. M., & Herlihy, B. J. (2014). Addressing Value-Based Conflicts Within the Counseling Relationship: A Decision-Making Model. Journal Of Counseling & Development, 92(2), 180-186 7p. doi: 10.1002/j.1556-6676.2014.00146.x).” Keeping your thoughts to yourself is
This certainly leads an individual to be out of touch with their feelings as they feel what they feel is not important nor worth talking about. As a result of theses stigmas and intolerance from society, internalized homophobia can arise and lead them to believe that their worth is indeed minimal. Aside from anxiety, low self esteem and isolation which is known to be common for these individuals, the effects on one 's physical health are definitely ongoing and can be long term if left
HIV/AIDS is a major risk factor affecting a large portion of the LGBT community, especially gay men. CDC.gov (2013) found that gay and bisexual men of all races continue to be at high risk for developing HIV. According to Krehely (2009) the drug and substance abuse risk factor, as well as mental health issues in the LGBT community often occur and are related to high rates of stress due to the lack of family acceptance of the LGBT lifestyle, systematic discrimination, and the lack of cultural competency in the health care environment. Sexu...
A more aggressive form of conversion therapy, which consists of showing a patient homoerotic images accompanied by electric shocks while inducing shame causes side effects such as nausea, vomiting and even paralysis; this is thought to create an aversion to same sex attraction (Daily Beast). This type of treatment is physically harmful to the LGBTQ community and many argue oppresses many of the rights they have received over the years; it can be argued that this therapy discriminates against the community by implying sexual variency is a problem which needs to be amended (Daily Beast). Because of the methods of conversion, members of the LGBTQ community are led to believe they are not accepted by society and suffer from a mental condition; according to the American Psychological Association, those who underwent conversion therapy were 8.9 times more likely to be suicidal, 5.9 times as likely to be depressive and three times of likely to use illegal drugs (Daily Beast). This oppression of the people who are considered different has led to this type of discrimination, which not only affects the patients who participate in it physically through electrical pulses, but leave emotional scarring as
Though many consider homosexuality a mental illness, different studies have proven that it is a bi...
The quest to find a biological substrate for homosexuality resembles an earlier movement in research to determine the nature of I.Q. scores. Both revolve around finding a biological basis for differences in human behavior. Like the previous research on intelligence, the research on homosexuality is plagued with difficulties. One large obstacle in this type of research is the difficulty in making statements about causality from correlational studies (simple, linear relationships between two variables) (4). In other words, it is difficult to determine what comes first the chicken or the egg.
Reparative therapies, also known as conversion therapies, are a group of interventions whose aim is to alter one's sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Any attempts to reform or 'cure' one’s sexual orientation using these 'therapies' are likely to fail and to cause harm such as depression, anxiety, suicidality, and, in some cases, a loss of sexual feeling altogether. In cases where patients themselves expressed the desire to change their sexual orientation, the most effective and appropriate therapeutic responses that resulted in maximum mental health benefit have been provider-initiated support, acceptance, and validation of same-sex sexual orientation. These desires to change are the result of internalized social stigma, discrimination, external pressure.
“Equal rights for lesbians and gay men may be the greatest civil rights battle of the 21st century” (Avery 2007, p. 71). Homosexual couples have been fighting a losing battle for years, and their struggle has recently taken the spotlight once again as a burning topic. Over the years, many people have come to support equal love. However, many Americans still advocate the one man-one woman institution of marriage. The fight for equal rights in general has always been a complex issue. African Americans, women, and many other minorities have had to fight for the rights that they hold today. There are many factors involved in gay activism such as support, attitudes, roles, and the implications of the movement. Social psychology takes a particular interest in gay rights and these factors in particular, as it is a current, controversial topic within American society.
It is very reasonable to conclude that research on depression of those who identify as gay, lesbian or transsexual is not accurate; there is an underreporting of people who identify as these sexual orientations because of the fear of being different. It is understood that those apart of the LGBTQ community actively hide their identity in hopes to avoid being rejected or abused (Bird, 2013). Once the reporting issue of having a smaller percentage of the actual representation of the LGBTQ population is put aside, there is evidence that highly suggests that lesbians and gay men are at higher risk for psychiatric disorders than heterosexuals (Cochran, 2001). Even after underreporting, there is still enough information to conclude that sexual discrimination can have harmful effects on the quality of life. Common factors that have been observed in lesbians and gays that can potentially increase depression during Cochran's study are anxiety and mood disorders and decreased self esteem. Cochran and her partner also noted that dissatisfaction with how one is treated beca...
Sexual relationships between counselors and clients should never ben permitted due to the power associated with the counselor’s role with clients. While ethical guidelines vary between different counseling associations as to whether it is acceptable for counselors to have sexual relationships with clients after the professional relationship has ended, in many cases these relationships continue to be prohibited. This standard is held because some believe that the powe...
Biblical Counseling is making a strong impact in today's churches and community. Counseling is seen as one of the most productive ways of helping a
Genetics, biology, and upbringing are all key aspects in determining one’s sexual orientation. Many of the factors are combined to make up how a person feels or who he or she is attracted to. There is no definite answer to why someone has a particular orientation, but there are studies that sugge...
The sexual orientation of a person has been a critical debate over the past several centuries. For several...
Even though it is against nature, some individuals are born with complete desire to same sex. Abraham Verghese in his article A fresh look at homosexuality said, “While welcoming and agreeing with a positive perception of homosexuality, it is difficult to accept the position that homosexuality is a normal psychosexual development. A normal variant cannot be considered completely normal. It is, in fact, an aberration in the psychosexual development, caused by genetic and psychosocial factors for which the person is not responsible. There are research findings, which suggest that there are structural differences in the brains of people with homosexual orientation.”(qdt pg 1) This quote proves the claim of having a different biological format for homosexuals from any normal heterosexual. These cases are completely helpless and have nothing to do with being homosexuals; it is a natural stimulus that they were born with. Therefore in such cases, it is critical to understand that they have no control over their unnatural
I appreciate your response. Deeawn, when I counsel individuals in the real world, it is not my duty to enforce my viewpoint on an individual who is already engaging in sexual activities. My devoir as a spiritual counselor and advisor is to deal with their real life issues. 99.5 of homosexuals are engaging in sexual acts and teaching and conversing to them about safe sex is the correct method. One of my younger gay relatives died because he did not use protection. A few years ago, I had a foster daughter who was bisexual with two children at 16 years of age. In foster care training, the first essential point they teach foster parents is not to articulate our opinions and viewpoints on others. I tell heterosexual individuals to protect themselves