Roy Rodger Narcissism Summary

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The other trait of narcissism that Rodger has is he excessively shows extreme aggression towards couples. People who display narcissistic aggression will constantly show hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another. In the article “Self-Esteem, Narcissism and Aggression: Does Violence Result from Low self-esteem or Threatened egotism? Social psychologist Roy F. Baumeister explains that “When other people question or undermine the flattering self-portrait of the narcissist, narcissist turns aggressive in response, but only to those specific people. The aggression is thus a means of defending and asserting the grandiose self-view” (2). Rodger definitely has a grandiose self-view, because he always refers to himself as “magnificent”, …show more content…

However, he blames women for rejecting him. He also envies other men who can have women’s love. Therefore, he continually shows aggression to couples who make him as if he is a loser. Rodger displays his aggression very often, as examples, he reflects “When they left the store I followed them to their car and splashed my coffee all over them[couple]” (100), “I dreamed of how sweet it would be to torture or kill every single young couple I saw” (101), and “I wanted to kill as many attractive young couples as I possibly could” (118). Rodger constantly shows aggressive behavior and altitude to couples because seeing couples makes him feel envious and frustrated. In the article “Narcissism: An Integrative Synthesis Dominance Complementarity Model”, author Emily Grijalva explains that, “The theory of threatened egotism and aggression (Penney & Spector, 2002) provides a second generative mechanism: Individuals who are high in self-esteem and are hypersensitive to threats to their self-esteem are more likely to experience negative emotions (fear, anger, frustration, hostility, etc.), which subsequently lead to aggressive outbursts” (6).

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