Ronald Reagan Peace Through Strength Essay

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Throughout his presidency, Ronald Wilson Reagan's goal was achieve "peace through strength". His courage and love for this nation made him feel like he fulfilled his 1980 campaign pledge to bring back "the great, confident roar of American progress and growth and optimism". He proved to the American people that he was brave and resilient by overcoming many different obstacles and diversities. We consider him as one of the greatest because of his commitment to this country (Fidel and Sidey, 2006).
One of the most well-known courageous acts from Reagan was going through the process of ending the Cold War. When he went into office, the Cold War had been raging since World War II. Reagan stood his ground against the Soviets, calling it the …show more content…

A large amount of people were opposed to his way of doing things because it wasn't the traditional way that they were used to. After both of his terms ended, it was clear that Reagan had made the most change than any other president around that time had. With being so clear about his goals to the people, it caused there to be many hardships during his time as President. On March 30th, 1981, John Hinckley Jr. attempted to assassinate him. He was strong and graceful during his recovery, only being in the hospital for twelve days after the 70 year old man who lost half of his blood was shot in the chest (Craig Shirley, reagan's Road to Recovery, 2011).
This attempt didn't slow him down at all. Reagan declared that " government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem". He went through great measures to reassure Americans that he did not want to " do away with government". Rather, he wanted to "make it work-work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back". As a die-hard conservative, Reagan sought to reduce the size of govenrment and stand by the people (Lou Cannon,

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