Ron Herron's Definition Of A Walking City

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When you think of the definition of a Walking City you automatically think of British architect Ron Herron’s definition of a walking city in 1964. Ron’s definition of a Waling City was “a massive artificially intelligent mobile robotic structures that could freely roam a post-apocalyptic world, moving to wherever the structure, resources or manufactured abilities were needed. Various walking cities could interconnect with each other to form larger walking metropolises and then disperse when their concentrated power was no longer necessary. Individual buildings or structures could also be mobile, moving wherever their owner wanted or needs dictated.” (avant-garde architectural journal Archigram, Ron Herron 1964) In my opinion …show more content…

Studying there specific elements and how these elements work, how they are used by the public and business owners, how they attract tourism to these particular cities and how these elements have an influence on town planning and finally their specific element that gives these cities the title a Walking City. Firstly I will look at the Walking City of Singapore and in particular the Five Foot Way. The Five Foot Ways are walkways for pedestrians which are indented into the front of the building on street level so that the overhang from the buildings upper level provides a cover from the sun and rain for the pedestrians as seen in image (4) on the next page. This first architectural feature which is a prominent design in the architecture of Singapore stets out the city’s aim to facilitate covered walkways for the pedestrians within their buildings. This shows the city of Singapore is proving its title as a Walking City. The name “The Five Foot Way” came from the design as the covered walkway must be five foot in width from the entrance off the street to the foot of the wall within the walkway hence the name. Not all Five Foot Ways are actually five foot wide, the size can vary due to the size, age and function of the building in which the Five Foot Way is incorporated in. The Five Foot Ways date back to the time of 1822, in Singapore …show more content…

I will study how the High Line changed New York from being a busy vehicle city to be an attractive walking city. Focusing on again the advantages of it, how it enhances the city of New York and how it gives New York the title of a Walking City. Although different to the other two as the High Line is purely recreational. When people first think of New York they think of the busy roads, the traffic, the loud noise of cars beeping their horns and they think of the yellow taxis driving around the city, hence once giving New York the title of a vehicle city. But when I think of New York I think of it as a Walking City mainly down to the opening of the New York High Line in 2009. The High Line is purely for pedestrians no vehicles allowed, setting out that this piece of architecture was going to change this city’s title for the better. The High Line before was a piece of obsolete industrial infrastructure in a part of Manhattan that was forsaken. It was built for the sole reason that so many accidents were happen due to trains and the street traffic colliding on 10th avenue. In 1934 lines opened for use, but not long after in the 1950’s the growth of the interstate lead to a drop in rail travel. The High Line became derelict out of use, architects saw it as a ruin sitting there since 1980. But when Ricardo Scofido took it over the change started to happen, the High Line was going to change New York’s

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