Romeo And Juliet Sacrifice Essay

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A tragic story of a deadly love, William Shakespeare’s tale of Romeo and Juliet is incomparable to any other classic play. The story begins with a naive young Romeo Montague who experiences instant lust when he lays eyes upon the starry eyed Juliet Capulet. The lovers are instantly torn apart by their meaningless last names that are supposed to be feuding and incompatible. While on a quest to change the minds of their parents and change their unforgiving fate, they lose all hope in one day living together happily. The couple faces the deaths of family members that they cherished most, the abandonment of their parents and the ultimate sacrifice of both of their lives. Along the way both Romeo and Juliet give up the lives that they lead before …show more content…

First of all she is thrown into a vicious world that even the most stable minded adult would have trouble dealing with. She does not crack under the pressure of the adult situations that she is subjected to, instead she gains the maturity that she needs. Juliet deals with the demands of her family and her rebellion against them, expertly. Next, Juliet is pressured to marry Paris, by both her parents and her nurse. She knows that if she were to be obedient and marry the man that her parents approved of, she would be denying herself happiness. Juliet made a huge action to stand up against her parents, this cut her family ties but showed the entire audience how determined she was, a true act of bravery. Throughout the play, Juliet relied on her nurse to provide moral support while her parents showed no mercy toward her. When the nurse showed her true colours and sided with Lady and Lord Capulet, Juliet does what has to be done and courageously ended the last meaningful relationship she had, aside from Romeo. Her final, last ditch actions to save her marriage were gallant as well. She disregarded her own wellbeing and drank the poison given to her by the Friar, Juliet ignored the fact that she may never awaken from the deep sleep it would provide. When Juliet awoke from the deep temporary death, she made her death permanent because in her mind this was her only option to spend eternity with Romeo. Juliet does what she feels is right in her own mind, no matter who

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