Romeo And Juliet Rebellion Essay

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Often in society, people follow their own ambitions and desires, although most of the time ignoring the consequences this might bring. In todays society, this happens quite often; a prime example of this is teenagers. Often teenagers want to join a certain group or fit in with the popular kids, sadly this comes at a price. They do many foolish actions to achieve their goals, going as far as vaping, drinking being more rebellious than usual and in several cases even hurting each other. At the time, for them this does not seem like a big deal, but with time this could end up affecting them, physically, emotionally and even psychologically. To achieve their goals, they often ignore the consequences of their actions. In Romeo and Juliet, William …show more content…

This all demonstrates prime examples of characters in Romeo and Juliet following their desires. Often while making decisions, individuals choose to rebel against others or even sometimes themselves. The theme of rebellion is a motif in Romeo and Juliet, as the couple defies anything that seeks to keep them apart. This can be seen when the couple decides to marry each other, even though this would affect them negatively due to the feud between their families. After their wedding, Romeo and Juliet have to continue keeping their marriage a secret, this is due to the fact that their families have an ongoing feud and this marriage could only spark a bigger anger between the leaders of the two families, as well as, get Romeo and Juliet in trouble. During their conversation on the balcony Romeo says to Juliet “Let them find me here, my life was better ended by their hate, than death prorogued by thy love” in which he confesses to Juliet if they were to get caught hed much rather die by hatred than live without Juliet's love. Another example of Rebellion is Friar Lawrence keeping the marriage

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