Romeo And Juliet Quote Analysis Essay

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The story of Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, is a tragic love story filled with a roller coaster of emotions. Juliet has found out from Lady Capulet that she has to marry Count Paris on Thursday morning and Juliet refuses since her heart is Romeo’s. Her parents disowned Juliet after her defiance, and Nurse encouraged her to just marry the count, so she ran to Friar Lawrence. The Friar told her to drink a potion he brewed that would make her look dead for two days. When she wakes up she will be in the tomb and Romeo will be there to help her escape, so they can be together. In the passage, Juliet is in her room speaking to herself about Friar Lawrence’s plan Wednesday night in Verona. The language of this passage reveals Juliet’s …show more content…

She doesn’t do that in this scene or attempts to, which shows her understanding that she is alone. To further prove, this quote shows her relying on herself since she fears if the plan doesn’t work she dies from someone else’s hands and not her own. In the beginning of the quote she mentions that if she has to get married Thursday morning then she will use a knife on herself to forbid it, but at the end of the passage she says that she fears that the Friar made the potion to kill her, not to put her to sleep. After doubting the Friar, Juliet uses the phrase “And yet me thinks it should not”. The word “thinks” is a hesitant word, but “should” is not. This sentence shows how Juliet grew from hesitant to sure of her conclusion made on her own, isolated in her room. Ultimately, Juliet relies on herself by using her own reasoning to answer her concerns. Following the passage, Juliet mentions her becoming isolated many times when she imagines terrible outcomes of the plan, uncovering her realization that she is alone in the moment. For example, after doubting Friar Lawrence’s planning, Juliet exclaims, “How if, when I am laid into the tomb, I wake before the time that Romeo

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