Romeo And Juliet Love And Hate

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Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet leaves audiences in awe and confusion after each performance. He had a point he wanted to express, but what was it exactly? Was he trying to show what true love is like, or that young love can really be a powerful thing. Was he saying that maybe parents don’t always know their kids like they think they do. Maybe, it was that there can be a change in heart, and peace in times of argument, war, and darkness. Shakespeare left us with a tragedy and a million questions. In the play, the families are fighting, they want their kids to love figures in the city that they believe will bring their social status up, and will do anything to be better than the other family. Even in all of this darkness and hate, there is the little light of Romeo and Juliet’s love that they hope will spread on their parents feud. There is hate all around them, but they don’t notice, they are focused on their love and how to keep it strong. This is like showing that love is the light in our world. When we think of love, we think of happiness, fun times, enjoying life with someone you can trust with all your heart. But war and hate, it’s a vision of darkness. Maybe Shakespeare was …show more content…

Romeo and Juliet loved each other even though they were long time enemies. Maybe Shakespeare was proving that you truly love someone if you can accept their differences and move along with them. They were totally different, Romeo and Juliet, Capulet and Montague. Was this play a message for us even in the 21st century? We have wars with people of different religions and beliefs. We argue and kill over unexplainable reasons, yet there are still the modern day Romeo and Juliet's that fall in love no matter their race, religion, or actions. Romeo and Juliet may have just been a realistic insight on what is possible even with darkness all

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