Romeo And Juliet Conflict Essay

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Conflict is a struggle or clash between opposing forces. This can be seen countless times in the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare which is set in Verona. This is a story about a long feud between the Montague and Capulet families. It portrays the story of a young man and women who find love while chaos surrounds them. This feud causes tragic results for the main characters in the play. Both Romeo and Juliet battle society, fate, nature, and themselves.

Due to the forbidden love between Romeo and Juliet, they are forced into a conflict with friends, family, religion; their whole social world is turned around. Romeo and Juliet try to avoid this conflict by hiding from it, they would prefer the night rather than day because it was more private (LitCharts). Juliet proffers to give up her name and convinces Romeo to do the same, “O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love. And I'll no longer be a Capulet.” (Shakespeare 2.2.336-39). They give up their social identities, …show more content…

Romeo and Juliet are trapped by fate. Their life is scripted out, no matter what they do, or what they try to avoid, it all comes down to destiny. However, the characters in Romeo and Juliet are not the only ones who feel the presence of fate. The audience is also aware of it as Shakespeare uses foreshadowing throughout his play. For example, Romeo and Juliet unknowingly mention their deaths over and over again, “ If he be married. My grave is like to be my wedding bed.” (Shakespeare.1.5.134-135). The audience knows that Juliet's wedding bed will actually be her grave. Therefore, fate has power over what happens to the characters in Romeo and Juliet even if they try to fight back, destiny will take its course and will lead the characters to their

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