Romeo And Juliet Companionship Essay

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“Friendship is a creature formed for a companionship, not for a herd” (Michel de Montaigne). Companionship is very important for a healthy relationship according to this quote by Michel De Montaigne. There are many ways to maintain a healthy relationship but the key to a healthy relationship is companionship.
In Romeo and Juliet, there is a scene that shows why companionship is important to a healthy relationship. “Then plainly know my heart's dear love is set on the fair daughter of rich Capulet as mine on her, so hers is set on mine” (1,3, 57-59). This is showing how much Romeo cares for Juliet and how much Just cares for Romeo. They really love each other. There are many scenes in Romeo and Juliet and represents companionship and the next one shows how Romeo and Mercutio have a healthy relationship.
Another scene in Romeo and Juliet that shows why companionship is when Romeo and Mercutio were being accused of doing something wrong at the party Tybalt was at. Tybalt wanted to start a fight. ”They shall determine that!” They fight Tybalt falls (Act 3, 1, 127). Mercutio was killed by Tybalt and Romeo got mad at Tybalt and realized that Mercutio was trying to help Romeo, but he would not listen. …show more content…

For example, in The Knife of Never Letting Go has the same thing. It's about a relationship between a boy named Todd and his dog named Manchee. In my silent reading book The Knife of Never Letting Go also shows companionship between a boy and his dog. Todd never really wanted a dog, but he realized what a good friend he is. “The first thing you find out when your dog learns to talk is that dogs don't got nothing much to say. About anything” (Page 1).This is showing how much Todd was annoyed by Manchee, but then realized how much of a good friend he was. Manchee was always there for him, even during the time they almost got

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