Romeo And Juliet Arguments Against Dating

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Have you ever been told no by your parents? Have you ever felt your parents were controlling your love life? Told you were not allowed to date that special someone? Many teens experience this over-protectiveness in their lives and could handle it in the wrong ways. Teens may get angry with their parents, disobeying them, and leading to depression. This may make them want to cause harm to themselves, or even committing suicide, so therefore parents should not be allowed to forbid teenagers from dating certain people. If parents didn’t force their child to date or from dating a certain person, they would live a happier life. If the parents didn’t allow their teen to be around and date who they wanted, it may put the teen into danger. In the book, “Romeo and Juliet”, there are many examples of why …show more content…

In this story, there are two families who can’t seem to ever get along. Juliet, from the Capulet family, and Romeo, from the Montague family, fall in love and have a secret marriage but would never tell their parents because this would be disobeying them. Juliet was arranged to marry another boy, Paris, but drinks a potion making her look dead so she can see Romeo. In Act 3, Scene 5, Romeo and Juliet had spent a night in secret together and before leaving, Juliet talks him into staying longer. He makes the comment of, “Let me be ta’en, let me be put to death. I am content, so thou wilt have it so.” He states he will stay with Juliet, even if staying means death. Since they cannot tell their parents about their love, Romeo is willing to die to spend time with her. This is one reason why parents should not forbid their teenager from dating certain

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