Role of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in Managing and Motivating Employees
The following paper deals with the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, born in New York, who stated that every human being has 5 differently categorised needs that need to be fulfilled in order to provide healthy and happy living.
In daily work managers need to respect and follow these needs so that employees will work most efficiently and effectively. Following these needs and trying to execute them is the best instruction for managers to motivate and provide successful working conditions. This paper will introduce you to the hierarchy of needs and will illustrate, by applying examples from day to day business how this concept can be best implemented.
The author of this paper claims that managers can help their employees to be more motivated, if they look and work with Maslow's stages.
The chief reason for writing this paper is to make clear how easily solutions can be found when it comes to giving incentives at work.
First of all there will be a short overview of what motivation actually is, second Abraham Maslow will be presented in a few words and the author will go into details concerning the hierarchy of needs. There are the physiological needs, second there are the safety needs, third the love needs, forth the esteem needs and finally self-actualization.
As a conclusion, the author will point out that the thesis, due to the supportive examples, can be claimed to be true.
3 Motivation
"Motivation is the process of satisfying internal needs through actions and behaviours"
When somebody is born it doesn?t mean he or she has motivation skills or the o their way round, it is something that can be improved or developed. "Motivation affects individuals differently, so managers must understand the process, theories, and fundamental components of motivation in order to motivate effectively." If somebody wants to understand motivation, furthermore it is also important to identify differences between people and be careful not to think that everybody has the same preferences."
3.1 Role of Managers in Motivating Employees
Managers have the task to get things very effective and efficient through their employees. Most of the really effective managers get all of their useful information from communicating with people. Managers must have communicatio...
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She has a Ph.D. in psychology which helps her establish Ethos. Twenge then collects data and performs interviews in order to form logos. She then appeals to human emotions by explaining how smartphones can drive families apart and cause mental illness in teenagers. Although Twenge conveyed her purpose the wording of the title may cause offense to readers who are members of iGen. Smartphones did not destroy a generation, it only weakened some of the generations mental health. Twenge’s article can possibly persuade readers to start using their phones
There are many people that benefit from Lean Six Sigma which include mainly customers, suppliers, employees, and also stockholders. Lean Six Sigma is a way for businesses to improve, to reduce waste and to become more successful. In the future, more and more organizations will adopt or practice some of the Lean, Six Sigma, or both in order to stay competitive in today’s market. In some cases, blending both Lean and Six Sigma can be costly and difficult; however the end result can create an organization that focuses on quality, accuracy, and speed to meet the goal which is profitability.
1) Six Sigma should not be viewed as a quality program that is commissioned to reduce defects but as a methodology that helps companies better meet the needs of their business. KM shares this goal.
After obtaining her degree from Columbia University in New York City, Simi used and still uses her knowledge and
These methods provide a logical solution to the various problems and help in enhancing the quality and efficiency of products and processes [7]. The critical power of Lean Six Sigma is its focus on finding the variables impacting the majority of variations in process {3]. Thus Lean Six Sigma methodology together helps in achieving project goals and the targets
Beginning a relationship is usually different from person to person, but with mostly every relationship, there is a cycle that is known as “Relational Development” which illustrates the rise and fall of relationships into ten stages (pg. 283). In the film, The Breakup, Vaughn, who takes on the
As you can see from the figure the lean six sigma is customer driven, targets variation, focuses
She analyses how her data collections began to change around 2012, when smartphones really began to advance. Twenge’s article maintains the argument that, while many people have different ideas about the cause for the change in teen attitudes in recent years, she believes that smartphones are greatly to blame. To support her claim, Twenge states that the rates of depression have “skyrocketed” (p. 61) (Pathos). She also says that “There’s not a single exception …. screen activities are linked to less happiness” (p. 63) (Logos). Lastly, Twenge states “In all my analyses of generational data- some reaching back to the 1930’s- I had never seen anything like it” (p. 59)
Maslow (1943) stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs. When one need is fulfilled, a person seeks to fulfil the next one, and so on. The earliest and most widespread version of Maslow's (1943, 1954) hierarchy of needs includes five motivational needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.
Dr. Michael Reilly, D. C. (2011). The Five Functions of Effective Management. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. .
Management spends a huge amount of time to design incentive systems and schemes to motivate their workers and to ensure they work in their best possible manner. Motivating workers by giving them decent pay helps in winning employees heart to make the work done efficiently, significantly and effectively. The most effective way to motivate people to work productively is through individual incentive compensation (Pfeffer, 1998). An attraction of getting more is a powerful incentive to people for high performance. While most people agree that money plays a major role in motivating people, in organizations there is a widespread belief that money may also have some undesirable effects on morale.
This essay was about the iGens in the technological world today. The author spoke about how smartphones can affect adolescents lives in today's world. Some of the points that were stated are that smartphones can lead to depression, lack of socialization, and also suicide. The author also included some of the positive factors included in the iGen generation such as, teen birth rates decreased and children are safer physically. In the essay the author is prominent in portraying different outstanding aspects of the issue at hand.
Motivation is the force that transforms and uplifts people to be productive and perform in their jobs. Maximizing employee’s motivation is a necessary and vital to successfully accomplish the organization’s targets and objectives. However, this is a considerable challenge to any organizations managers, due to the complexity of motivation and the fact that, there is no ready made solution or an answer to what motivates people to work well (Mullins,2002).
The exactness of inductive logic is uncertain, therefore, it uses different properties to develop a conclusion, even though the conclusion is probably not completely correct. While on the other hand, deductive reasoning can lead to a completely correct conclusion only if the properties that lead that conclusion are also correct.