Role and Function of Law

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Role and Function of Law
Law is an essential part of business and society. The definition of law is, “Any system of regulations to govern the conduct of the people of a community, society or nation, in response to the need for regularity, consistency and justice based upon collective human experience” (ALM, 2013, P. 1). There are four common types of law constitutional law, statutory law, common law, and administrative law. Each of these four types plays a different role in the regulation of business and society. In addition to the types there are also three common categories of law criminal and civil, substantive and procedural, and public and private laws. Law is an integral part of the present-day workplace and affects the decisions management and leaders make.
Function and Role of Law
Law is an integral part of what allows business and society to be successful. Societies use law to keep the peace, enforce standards of conduct, maintain order, facilitate planning, and promote social justice (Barnes, Dworkin, & Richards, 2011). Chaos would reign supreme without laws to guide decisions. The United States law is a complex system broken down by types and categories.
Types of Law
The four common types of law each have a different purpose. Constitutional law deals with the interpretation and implantation of federal and state constitutions, the Constitution is the highest form of the law. Laws must agree with the Constitution or they are unconstitutional and not upheld in federal court. The Constitution is amended only in extraordinary and extreme cases. Statutory law is written by the legislative branch and approved by the executive branch of government. Statutes at the local level are known as ordinances. Court systems des...

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... in commonplace business and societal life. The law provides regulations and guidelines. These regulations and guidelines are necessary for a successful society. Rules, enforcement, and consequences are necessary for a business or society to function. Each type and category of law work together to create the legal system that governs neighborhoods, businesses, and governments.

Works Cited

ALM. (2013). Law. Retrieved from
Barnes, J., Dworkin, T., & Richards, E. (2011). Law for business (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
John Willey and Sons INC.. (2013). Sarbanes-Oxley for dummies. Retrieved from
Melvin, S. P. (2011). The legal environment of business: A managerial approach: Theory to practice. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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