Role and Function of Law
Law is an essential part of business and society. The definition of law is, “Any system of regulations to govern the conduct of the people of a community, society or nation, in response to the need for regularity, consistency and justice based upon collective human experience” (ALM, 2013, P. 1). There are four common types of law constitutional law, statutory law, common law, and administrative law. Each of these four types plays a different role in the regulation of business and society. In addition to the types there are also three common categories of law criminal and civil, substantive and procedural, and public and private laws. Law is an integral part of the present-day workplace and affects the decisions management and leaders make.
Function and Role of Law
Law is an integral part of what allows business and society to be successful. Societies use law to keep the peace, enforce standards of conduct, maintain order, facilitate planning, and promote social justice (Barnes, Dworkin, & Richards, 2011). Chaos would reign supreme without laws to guide decisions. The United States law is a complex system broken down by types and categories.
Types of Law
The four common types of law each have a different purpose. Constitutional law deals with the interpretation and implantation of federal and state constitutions, the Constitution is the highest form of the law. Laws must agree with the Constitution or they are unconstitutional and not upheld in federal court. The Constitution is amended only in extraordinary and extreme cases. Statutory law is written by the legislative branch and approved by the executive branch of government. Statutes at the local level are known as ordinances. Court systems des...
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... in commonplace business and societal life. The law provides regulations and guidelines. These regulations and guidelines are necessary for a successful society. Rules, enforcement, and consequences are necessary for a business or society to function. Each type and category of law work together to create the legal system that governs neighborhoods, businesses, and governments.
Works Cited
ALM. (2013). Law. Retrieved from
Barnes, J., Dworkin, T., & Richards, E. (2011). Law for business (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
John Willey and Sons INC.. (2013). Sarbanes-Oxley for dummies. Retrieved from
Melvin, S. P. (2011). The legal environment of business: A managerial approach: Theory to practice. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
laws is to keep the bad things out from the old society out such as
Sweeney, B, O'Reilly, J & Coleman, A 2013, Law in Commerce, 5th edition, Lexis Nexis, Australia.
Common Law vs. Political Law vs. Scientific Law Americans are no longer aware that there are two kinds of legal systems, political and scientific. America was founded on principles of scientific law. But these principles have now been submerged in today's legal system. What is taught today as law is political law. To understand the difference between a scientific legal system and a political one, it is necessary to know that scientific law developed in the absence of any legislature or Congress or Parliament whatever.
Moran, J. J. (2008). Employment law: New challenges in the business environment. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Case law/Common law – body of law developed over time by higher courts. Laws are c...
... law protects individuals’ rights and liberties from the government of states. It can also protect businesses’ property rights and the rights of their employees.
Kubasek, N., Brennan, B., & Browne, M. (2012). The legal environment of business: A critical thinking approach (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Law is a social construct, which is a result of various external social influences like culture, history, politics, economy and power. It describes the society that it exists in as it is the ideologies and values of a society that are embodied as rules and principles of law. Law constructs a framework for the society, according to the goals, interests and understandings of the people of that society i.e. It reflects the ideals, ideas and ideologies of a distinct legal culture.
According to Black's Law Dictionary Law is defined as, "A system of principles and rules of human conduct, being the aggregate of those commandments and principles which are either prescribed or recognized by the governing power in an organized jural society. " Laws are what keep society from chaos and anarchy. Laws are used by lawyers to help promote "justice" and fairness, yet at times they look out for their own best interest instead. Lawyers, in general, do not have a good reputation. Social commentary can be read in literature as lawyers have been negatively portrayed since Shakespeare.
At first thought, we associate laws as prohibited activities and lawyers as people who have high quality suits and expensive brief cases. However, law is not nearly as simple as it appears to be on the surface. There has been no time within human civilization where law was not present. Implementation of laws can be recalled back to New Testament times in the Bible where murder was a condemned crime that would be punishable by death. Law is defined as the principles and regulations created by a community or some authority applicable to its people. If we did not enforce laws or punishments, how many more crimes would be committed on a daily basis? In this paper, I will be discussing what Criminal law is, its historical contributors and its
To be sure, modern laws are made to express the general will, a will that aims at the common good. This means that laws in most cases intend to protect every social member’s rights under the principle of justice and fairness. For telling examples one need to look no further than American judicial system. The access to the two courts systems, one federal court and one state court, provides citizens with the greatest potential to have their legal problems resolved quickly and justly. Besides, the entire U.S. legal system depends upon the involvement and integrity of citizens in the roles of parties, witnesses, jurors, legal counsel and judges, making the legislation, judgment and enforcement respecting more citizens' will, which is probably based on various interests, so that laws can be as just as possible. Therefore, modern laws are in nature pursuing to treat and protect every individual in the society.
Law is the foundation of central structures of social life on which society’s integrity depends, which is why Petrazycki, Ehrlich and Habermas perceive it to be a key steering mechanism in society,
William O. Douglas said, "Common sense often makes good law." Well that is what laws essentially are, rules and regulations that make sure common sense is followed. One could even say that laws are enforced ethics. Laws serve several roles and functions in business and society, and this paper will discuss those roles and functions.
The importance of law for a society is that it acts as guide for societal interactions and behaviors. It outlines the rules for order in behavior of people and ensures equity in all arms of government.
Law is one of the most important elements that transform humans from mere beasts into intelligent and special beings. Law tells us what is right and wrong and how we, humans, should act to achieve a peaceful society while enjoying individual freedoms. The key to a successful nation is a firm, strong, and fair code of high laws that provides equal and just freedom to all citizens of the country. A strong government is as important as a firm code of law as a government is a backbone of a country and of the laws. A government is a system that executes and determines its laws. As much as fair laws are important, a capable government that will not go corrupt and provide fair services holds a vital role in building and maintaining a strong country.