Role Of Sacrifice In The Five People You Meet In Heaven

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Making sacrifices and giving up on doing the things one loves the most can be very stressful and difficult. Many people think that they are going to live life without having to take any chances or giving up on things that matter to them. When it comes to one making sure they follow the right path, making sacrifices can be extremely overwhelming and it can lead to a lack of desperation. Sacrifice is an essential part of life and nobody dies without having to make at least one. In Mitch Albom’s fictional novel The Five People You Meet in Heaven, sacrifice is the main theme as the protagonist Eddie Maintenance as some would call him sacrifices his life, aspirations, and career various times throughout the book. When someone sacrifices something that is precious to them they don’t actually let go of that person or thing. Sacrifice comes with the task of making sure one knows what they are doing. In his 85 years of existence Eddie sacrificed many things including his life. Eddie gave up his life to save a little girl who was going to die at the pier. The life that Eddie lived was always based on something someone else did and on sacrificing things to make others feel better. “No pull. You push. Big thing fall. You keep her safe” Tala described to Eddie how he saved the child’s life by getting in the way …show more content…

In Mitch Albom’s fictional novel The Five People You Meet in Heaven sacrifice was the main theme as the protagonist Eddie sacrifices his life, aspirations, and career throughout the book. Eddie Maintenance sacrificed his life by keeping the little girl at the pier safe. He also, gave up his career as an engineer after taking his dad’s job at Ruby Pier after his dad passed away. Eddie sacrificed his life and career by enrolling in the military and going to war to fight for his country. For a sacrifice to be real it must hurt, and empty ourselves and that’s exactly what Eddie sacrificed all of those

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