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Importance of ethics in psychology
Importance of ethics in psychology
Importance of ethics in psychology
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Examine the Role of Ethics in the Field of Psychology
Ethics is the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad, right and wrong. We learn what is right and wrong during childhood, but moral development is a life-long procedure of human beings that pass through different phases of growth as they developed to adulthood. Without ethics, it will be very hard to regulate life and act reliably. A syllabus is essential because it tells you everything you need to know about how a course will run and what to expected. Mostly, it will include course policies, rules, and regulations. Individuals who have great ethic skills will have no problem following the syllabus rules.
The role of ethics is very important in the field of psychology.
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It is very crucial to follow the APA guideline. The Ethics in Psychology and Law: An International Perspective article states, “Law as a powerful social institution often has an irreversible impact on people. Psychologists working in the psychological field should, therefore, be morally sensitive and always consider the morality of their own behavior. When they experience moral uncertainty, they should consult psychology’s ethical principles as they manifest in the specialty conduct and ethical codes because they reflect the accumulated wisdom of generations of psychologists working in various settings and countries”. (Allan, …show more content…
Before becoming a Psychologist, it is best for professors to become familiar with Psychology ethics as well. Psychologists must consider ethical principles in their practice, research, and teaching. The Teaching Ethics to a Future psychologist: Challenges and the model of an experience of a College Psychology Professor in a developing country article states, “Ethics is always a fundamental issue in Psychology as a profession: it guides decisions and actions in all fields, being the core of profession itself. Teaching professional ethics in our contemporary society, incorporating the questioning of modern and permanent questions in a conscious, responsible and yet interesting approach…Using active methodologies and realistic situations help fill the gap between theories, ethical codes, and everyday situations, and their critical employment prepares students to deal with daily ethical problems, helping to promote human rights consciousness”. (Quayle, 2009)
Walsh, R. T. (2015). Introduction to ethics in psychology: Historical and philosophical grounding. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 35(2), 69. doi:10.1037/teo0000015
Sinclair, C. (2017). Ethics in psychology: Recalling the past, acknowledging the present, and looking to the future. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 58(1), 20. doi:10.1037/cap000086
Lefkowitz, J. (2012). Ethics in industrial-organizational psychology.
D. Brett King, Wayne Viney, & William Douglas Woody, (2013). A History of Psychology, Ideas & Context. 3rd ed. United States: Pearson.
Smith, A. (2000). The inescapably ethical character of psychotherpy. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.. Retrieved from http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&btnG=Search&q=intitle:The+inescapably+ethical+character+of+psychotherpy#0.
The Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct, published by the American Psychological Association are the standard guidelines for all Psychologists. Forensic Psychologists are also informed by Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologist. Psychologists practicing forensic psychology can use these two documents to help clarify ethical questions. This paper will focus on role conflicts specifically in the area of Sex Offender Management and the ethical conflicts that may arise as a result and how to best handle this situation when faced with it. When an individual chooses to practice psychology within the legal system, they must be aware that this can at any point in their career lead to ethical conflicts. Just the possibility alone of ethical dilemmas, are or should be a concern for forensic psychologists.
American Psychological Association (APA). (2002). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. American Psychologist, 57, 1060-1073.
Having a positive approach helps psychologists clarify what they value, contemplate how they must behave, and decide what institutes suitable professional demeanor. The significance of positive ethics supports psychologists and allows them to reach their utmost ethical principles instead of violating the rules. The American Psychological Association are the top procedures to monitor to help stay within the ethical guidelines which has recently had revisions in the year two thousand two. There are a number of ethical codes to consider as a forensic psychologist cannot have the unawareness of particular psychological information, absence of specific preparation in forensic, presumptuous the lawyer will offer the expert with the essential legal ethical and professional evidence, assuming diverse jurisdictions are comparable in laws, how the laws are applied and failure to recognize the sole matters related with privacy and privileged communications for the work in the forensic
The field of clinical mental health is one of great reward, but also one of grave responsibility. It is the duty of the counselor to provide the client with a safe environment and an open mind, in order to foster a healthy therapeutic relationship. The majority of mental health counselors would never intentionally harm their clients; however; good intentions are not enough to ensure that wrong will not occur. The ethical expectations and boundaries are regulated by both laws and professional codes. When discussing ethics, one must realize there are two categories, mandatory and aspirational. (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2007)
G.P. Koocher & P. Kieth-Spiegel (1998) pointed out many conflict of dual and multiple role including personal, client/therapist, therapist/supervisor and therapist/colleague, and how they can improve and complicate the counselling process. Boundaries and competence runs along side one another, which made come to conclusion that if the therapist is considering breaking them s/he should know what they breaking and how to break them ethically. Sometimes the outcome of ethical dilemma can only be “determined by the client and counsellor at that time” which could enable the therapist to change the priorities of Ethical principles and modify his/her actions according to the client’s circumstances (T. Bond, 2000:62).
American Psychological Association. (2002). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychologist, 57, 1068.
Ethics is the judgement and the moral actions used in interactions with cultures and society and its focus is on the client well-being. Ethics is defined by Remley and Herlihy (2010) in the counseling field as “professional behavioral and interactions” (p.4). Counselors do rely and are guide by Codes of Ethics. The role and relevance of the ethical principals, the ACA and AMHCA Code of Ethics are the base of the counseling profession. Without them this career would not have a guide on how the professionals should act and react professionally in all the different situations that are faced in this field.
American Psychological Association. (2010a). American Psychological Association ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx
Similarly, ethical rules while doing such research must not be kept aside as they can trigger serious issues while conducting the study. After all human life and emotions are far valuable than other any elements, therefore, they should not be put at risk for any research work. As after Stanford Prison study, it was decided that ethical guidelines for any research be provided by American Psychological Association and reviewed by an institutional board (US) and ethics committee
Ethical issues in a counseling practice lay the foundation of a therapist in practice. Ethics are at the center of how the counseling process functions and operates in a successful manner for the clients who seek help in such a setting. In order for the counseling profession to be ethical and hold professional recognition, there are many facets that need to be examined and outlined to make sure all counselors and practitioners are functioning at the highest level and withholding their duties required by the counseling profession. The first introduction so to speak of the area of ethics also happens to be one of the first steps in counseling, which is the informed consent. The informed consent provides the basis of what happens or will be happening in a counseling setting and serves to inform the client to their rights, responsibilities, and what to expect. Most importantly, the informed consent is in place for the client’s benefit. It also is important to understand that culture and environment play a role in the treatment of a client and how theories can positively or negatively impact this treatment. Therapists need to understand how to work within the context of a theory while being able to understand the individual in their own environment. Although theories are put into place to serve as a framework, there are also alternative ways to approach counseling, one example being evidence-based practice. Such an approach is very specific, which presents a series of solutions for counseling as a whole, but also brings forth many problems. Every approach or theory introduces ethical concerns that need to be taken into consideration by the entire counseling community and how each can positively and negatively affect clients and the pr...
This week’s readings cover clinical supervision. Although the school psychology ethics and laws usually go hand in hand, it is important to understand that they are not that same concept. Some of the major themes that clinical supervisors need to keep in mind are: due process, informed consent, dual relationships, competence, confidentially, marketplace issues, and the supervisee’s perspective. Furthermore, some of the legal ramifications for clinical supervisors include: malpractice, direct liability, and vicarious liability. Clinical supervisors play a major role in school psychology, thus they get involved in the ethical standards often. The best way to go about this process is to stay up-to-date on the legal
Koocher, G.P., & Keith-Spiegel, P. (2008). Ethics in psychology and the mental health professions. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
The course Psychology 361: Introduction to Clinical Psychology served as an introduction to the profession and personal life of clinical psychologists. We discussed the ethical and legal issues, the importance of the client-therapist relationship, the rights and responsibilities of the client and the therapist and the different types of therapy within this field of practice. However, after evaluating these concepts in depth, I have come to find some of the material surprising, interesting and difficult to understand. After recognizing my interests and conflicts within clinical psychology, I was able to evaluate myself and determine this profession would not suit me as an individual.