Rodeo or Rode-no?
Imagine yourself covered in grime and filth, your backside sore from branding and relentless whippings. Just waiting for the next human to tease and deliberately provoke a violent response from you just for fun. Now imagine yourself minding your own business in your own home, having dinner with your family and an armed intruder gunning you and your family down, for no reason, just in the name of sport. Finally imagine yourself being taken away from your mother at a young age and being forced to do embarrassing “feats” and dangerous “stunts”. If you refused, you’re starved and beaten. For some unfortunate animals, this is all they have ever known.
Intentionally inflicting fear, fatigue, stress, and pain in an animal is cruel
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no matter how one attempts to justify it. Rodeos are so barbaric that they are borderline blood sports. Some bulls are treated worse than those bred to be killed and eaten. These “cowboys” prod their steer to frustration.
The calf ropers chase and wrestle the young scared calves to the ground and roughly tie their limbs tightly together with painful rope. If these cowboys and rangers truly care for their animals and put their welfare first, then they wouldn’t subject them to such traumatic injury and potential mental illness. Horseracing results in similar tragedies as rodeos do. As soon as a horse becomes injured or useless, it’s killed. In no way is that fair. These aren’t machines. They are live beings. Circus' use means of electric shock, assault, whippings, and withholding food as tools to force animals to perform excessively unnatural and unnecessary "tricks". The fact that this blatant exploitation of animals is still legal is truly reprehensible. Highly intelligent animals such as the elephant are conscious enough to understand when they are being treated unfairly and abused. The elephants snap and rebel, they charge crowds, trample handlers, and destroy equipment. Lions recognize and maul those humans that mistreat them. These actions aren’t out of pure aggression and they don’t need to be “corrected”. It’s clearly a cry for help from those that can’t speak for themselves and communicate their physical and mental pain. The animals
in the circus often travel around the world to never be in the environment where they belong. They are not domesticated. Wild animals belong in the wild and nowhere else can they be truly happy and comfortable. Those animals that are privileged enough to enjoy their lives in the wild, often are disrupted anyway by cutthroat hunters. In this day and age, there is no reason for anybody in this country to hunt to eat and there is definitely no excuse to kill just for fun. “Pest control” isn’t acceptable either. Stray cats at least get to be spayed and neutered, then released instead of killed on site and having their remains mounted up on the wall as some kind of trophy. All animals deserve life. What person with a conscience derives pleasure from the “innocent” torture of animals? Humans often forget that they are animals as well. Our lives aren’t any more valuable than the common city pigeon. This false sense of superiority proves that it is in fact the other animals that deserve respect and their dignity intact. As long as animals are treated as third class slaves, they will continue to be seen as less than they really are. There will only be a difference made when they are no longer seen as objects on this earth only here to serve us.
Although it’s entertaining to watch these animals perform, most people don’t take the time to think about the issues that the companies that are involved in this type of entertainment encounter. The frequently asked questions of how
Rodeos take place either inside large buildings, or outside in dirt arenas. The events in a rodeo can range from bucking bulls, steer wrestling, and roping. Each event has their own rules as well as regulations. These rules keep the cowboys, and livestock safe when competing against each other. However, some people may consider rodeos as a form of animal cruelty. It is understandable why it can be seen this way because everything happens really fast, and it is hard to keep up with what’s happening in the arena. It would also be really easy to think it was hurting the animals if a person simply didn’t know everything that goes into each event. Rodeos are not animal cruelty due to all the rules, and the effort that goes into the care of each
Animal abuse can be looked at in many different forms but it’s mostly up to you to determine if you agree or disagree with it. Many people believe rodeos should be outlawed because of the visible abuse. It could be from a steer getting drug behind a horse or from probes that make bucking horses and bulls buck. Others believe that all actions are taken to insure the safety of the animals and the contestants. The real question is what do you believe?
Bullfighting has been a tradition passed along for many years. It is a sport of baiting and killing bulls spectated by the public in an outdoor arena. But how exactly did Bullfighting begin? Bullfighting originated when the first bullfight was held in honor of King Alfonso VIII's coronation in 1133. It was called a corrida back then. These events eventually became popular for celebrating important events and to test the zeal of noblemen. The bullfight first seen at the coronation in 1133 was popularized in 1726 when Francisco Romero started using a cape and weapons during the event. Some older paintings imply that some type of bullfighting existed before 1133. A wall painting in Crete that dates to 2000 B.C. shows men and women grabbing a bull
An excited crowd waits expectantly to see the horse, cowboy, and calf burst out of the chute. Within seconds, the cowboy has the calf roped, on the ground, and tied. The action appears effortless. Two wranglers release the calf, and it trots out of the arena, seemingly unharmed. The question remains, are rodeos humane? That does the calf think of all this excitement? Contrary to what many people assume, PRCA (Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association) sanctioned rodeos treat their livestock humanely.
eople riding bulls, wrestling steers, and roping calves all in one sport? What kind of game is this? It’s called rodeo. Rodeo consists of all different kinds of events to choose from, and can be competed in all over the United States, even Canada. These events include bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, team roping, calf roping, steer wrestling, bull riding, and for the girls, barrel racing. This sport is becoming very unique in today’s world. It opens a window to the past, but still provides an exciting atmosphere.
... rodeo as cruel and abusive. But the rodeo today is changing with the hope of getting better. The bucking and roping stock are treated as prized animals. They even have their own bucking champions. The solution to any kind of animal abuse is in the continued scrutiny of the sport by the PRCA. As the sport evolves and the animals become more valuable it should cause better care for the animals.
Thoroughbred horse racing is a worldwide sport and industry involving the racing of Thoroughbred horses. It is governed by different national bodies. There are two forms of the sport: flat racing and jump racing. So the study the clinical, hematological and biochemical biomarkers are most useful information that make the race horse such a super athlete and good managed. This study was carried out on twenty one thoroughbred race horses in order to evaluate physical performance and recovery time through measuring the clinical parameters (Heart rate, Respiratory rate, Body temperature and capillary refilling time), hematological (RBCs, PCV, Hb, total and Differential leucocytic count) and biochemical biomarkers ( TP, Albumin, AST, ALT, CK, LDH,
For many people across the United States rodeo is how they make a living. Weather its competing, selling, or just working behind the sense, they depend on rodeo for a job. Not only do humans depend on rodeo for a job, but so do all types of animals. Not all horses are cut out for the same job just as all humans are not. Many animal rights groups use words like animal cruelty and unsafe to describe a rodeo, but underneath the tough exterior strict rules combat the use of these words by cutting down on the unsafe and cruel events. Rodeo, despite being a dangerous sport, benefits a community in many ways and does not condone animal cruelty in any way. It is a place where a community of people can show their skills, sell their products, and find friendships with people just like them.
Ascione’s (1993) definition of animal cruelty is defined as “socially unacceptable behavior that intentionally causes unnecessary pain, suffering, or distress to and/or death of an animal” exclusive of socially condoned behavior, such as legal hunting and certain agricultural and veterinary practices. Not all violent individuals have been previously cruel to animals but studies have shown that a great number of them have exhibited this behavior. A great majority of the literature calls for a better understandin...
“There can be many reason for animal cruelty, like any other form of violence, is often committed by a person who feels powerless, unnoticed, or under control of others. Some who are cruel to animals copy acts what they have seen or that have been done to them, others see harming an animal as a safe way to get revenge against--or threaten-- someone who cares about that animal”. (“Animal… Statistics”) Concerns towards abusing animals have gone up in the past. Although there are not many cases on animal abuse, many have occurred. Abusers are charged with Criminal Animal Abuse and then sentenced to life in prison. Some animals that are physically abused are sometimes rescued by Animal Control, and are taken it to an animal shelter. However, many shelters have not had the space to keep the animals so the workers would have to put them down (Carol Roach). Researchers have shown that the main animals getting abused are dogs, chickens, horses, and livestock (“Animal...
The life of a circus animal is hard and demanding. It is not an acceptable way of life for an animal. Circuses would quickly lose their appeal if the public were more aware of their mistreatments of these animals. Many circuses do not have much money and as a result the animals suffer from inadequate care. These animals spend most of their time in small cages used for transportation. The Animal Welfare Act provides cage requirements, but many circuses fail to follow this law. Even the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey circus was cited for 65 violations over a two-year period according to Florence Lambert. When traveling, animals spend hours, even days between sites in confinement..
When bred in captivity, animals are oblivious to their natural habitats and how to socially interact with their species. The article “Animals Used as Entertainment” lists rodeos, circuses, bullfighting, horse racing, cockfighting, dog fighting, and zoos as examples of the many ways animals are used in entertainment. Circuses and zoos are the two most relevant forms of animal mistreatment. Both of these are sources of entertainment for children and adults. Zoos declare that they are used for mostly educational purposes and preserving various species, but the reality is that they fall short on both (“Animals Used”).
People wonder why they freak out and attack when they are meant to be in their habitat where they can run free and live their own life instead of being circus animals. Al-Khatib: Let’s not forget about circuses. Animals would never run away from the circus; in fact, they would most likely run away from the circus if they could. Unlike human performers who choose to be clowns or trapeze artists, elephants, bears, and tigers never volunteered to stand on balls or jump through burning hoops. Trainers routinely beat and whip animals in order to make them perform tricks over and over again that make no sense to them at all.
“Virtually 96 percent of their lives are spent in chains or cages,” and “11 months a year they travel over long distances in box cars with no climate control; sleeping, eating, and defecating in the same cage,” as stated by PAWS, Protective Animal Welfare Society, is one of the many organizations that strives to protect animals right and sheds light on this horrific situation that should be stopped at once. This is an insight of what the animals have to endure just for our entertainment. PAWS also discuses when these animals are eventually allowed out of their cages they undergo “extreme ‘discipline’ such as whipping, hitting, poking, and shocking with electrical prods,” for training purposes to ensure that the performance goes without any complications. The transportation of theses animals is cruel and unusual no matter how it is looked at.