Rock & Roll: The Origin Of Rock And Roll

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To many Rock musicians who have helped popularize Rock in the more modern era, they describe rock as having a blues genre mixed in it. It is characterized as music with heavy beats and melodies when it first started to come up. It is also described as Black Rhythm, blues, and country white music. These bands usually consist of a guitar, drums, bass, and keyboard or their instrument that gives Rock it’s uniqueness. It is generally based on twelve-bar blues, and the first and third beats are heavily accented. Nobody knows where Rock and Roll first originated, it is still argued by Historians to this day. Many think the song “Rocket 88” by Ike Turner/ Jackie Brenston (1951) is the very first true definition. The genre first started to be called “”Rock & Roll” by famous disc junkie based in Cleveland, Alan Freed. He first used this term in a session There is agreeing when it comes to where these type of songs first started in places like Memphis, New York City, Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, and Buffalo, these areas produced the majority of early rock music. African-American and White people were living closer during these times (Pre Civil Rights Movement, Or Near) and as a result, heard each other's music and began to emulate each other’s fashions. Radio stations that were available to both African-Americans and Whites, and thus called “cultural collision.” The most notable influences were jazz, blues, gospel, country, and folk. A 1939 single Roll ‘Em Pete, which is regarded as an important precursor of rock and roll. The 1940’s saw a lot of increased use in blaring horns, (thanks to jazz) shouting lyrics, and boogie woogie beats. After World War II, with shortages around the

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