Robert Reich Getting Richer

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Positions in the World Economy This fact has been out there for a while now; the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. Robert Reich, former secretary of labor for the United States, in his writings goes over the different types of people that are in the global economy. He talks about the two types of poor people, routine producers and in-service workers; whose economic state is declining and declining. He also talks about another type of people, symbolic analysts; that they are the people that companies and corporations want, due to the skill sets that they bring to the table, they are the ones that everything is going for them. I agree with all of Reich’s points on how the rich are getting even richer and the poor are getting poorer. …show more content…

He was born on 24 June, 1946, in Scranton Pennsylvania. Robert also taught at Harvard University, and was the secretary of labor, during the presidency of Bill Clinton. He was born after World War II and grew up during the time of President Truman. Reich is also the author of many books, in regards to economy. He is quite critical on the subject of globalization, and what it is doing to the economy. Reich graduated from Oxford University where he studied politics and economy. The text states, “he has written numerous books on economics and has been a prominent lecturer for more than a dozen years” (513). To put differently, Reich has been the author of multiple books, and has spoken/taught much about the economy for many years. Despite him not having a Ph.D. in economics, he still knows much about the economy; he is quite an influential political figure. Reich also spoke on the thought that all these corporation transactions and the choices they make; do not make the economy better but just swirl around the finances (514). He points out that the finances are just circling only the rich. Reich is critical on creating a way to improve the economy, and he talks much about it in his book, The Next American Frontier, where he also mentions that the way we are doing it right now isn’t working for the better of the economy and that we need to change something. Throughout his multiple books we are quite thorough on speaking on …show more content…

The routine production people are the people that have it the worst because they are the most replaceable. The in-service severs have it slightly better because there are certain jobs that only people can do. The symbolic analysts have it the best because they are specialized workers, who are in high demand. Therefore the problem isn’t that there aren’t enough jobs in the U.S. it is because there aren’t enough qualified workers, like symbolic analysts, to have a good and healthy economy. For now in today’s society there will be those that are poor and those that are

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