Inequality for all

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The film “Inequality for all” directed by Jacob Kornbluth, begins with Robert Reich asking students three questions to consider in a lecture when talking about the uneven distribution of wealth. First, what is happening regarding the distribution of wealth? He then inquires to why this is happening. Last of all, he asks the students if the distribution of wealth is a problem in America. He addresses these questions as well as many others in his lecture on the growing divide between America’s rich and poor. Robert Reich is an economist, author, and educator as well as public policy professor who served in the Ford, Carter and Clinton administration. He has dealt with this particular topic for over three decades and continues to spread his political views as a professor at the University of Berkley. Furthermore, he talks about the widening gap between the wealthy and the poor/middle class. He goes beyond the obvious facts to show us why this is happening and uses statistical data to display this growing problem. He gives concerning evidence that wages are declining, and that America’s weakening economy is based on consumerism.
Going back to 1978, the typical male worker was making around 48,000 dollars per year while the average person in the wealthy group of the 1 percent earned 390,000 dollars per year. By 2010, the typical male worker earned less than in 1978 whereas the person in the top 1 percent earned more than twice as much as before. Today in America, 400 people have more wealth than half the population of the United States. Reich explains that a strong middle class is what gives our economy stability. This leads to the fact, that 70 percent of the economy is based on the consumer. If the middle class’ wages declin...

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... Tax revenues would then increase and d the government would invest more. This would lead to higher quality education and the economy expanding.
Reich also uses examples of ordinary people who are going through our bad economy. One example shows Erika Vaclav who makes 21.50 dollars an hour at Cosco and can barely afford to support her family. This example and various others show how many people are struggling and have growing personal debt. This should not be happening, because we need a stable middle class for a good and growing economy.
Robert Reich concludes the movie by telling his students that we do not need to be elected president of the United States or Secretary of Labor to have a huge impact. He continues by saying that he believes we can change our communities, our society and maybe even the world. It is in our power to alter the rules or take action.

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