Robert Lee Frost: The Most Influential American Poet of the Twentieth Century

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"Don't ever take a fence down, until you know why it was put up"- a quote from Robert Lee Frost, a well-known American and English poet. Following the death of his father he faced many challenges, including failing to finish college and many unsuccessful jobs. Shadowing his father and mother, he began a career in poetry. With his literary career failing, he and his family moved to England and then back to America a few years later. His success in America began in 1915 when his collection of poems became a sensation. Writing over one-hundred poems and winning countless awards, Frost became a sensation, even speaking in inaugural speeches. He died at the age of eighty-eight. Frost’s most recurring theme was elusiveness. He wrote about the struggles of nature and overall life, using very vivid imagery, making the reader dig deeper into his poems to find the true meaning of each. One of “Frost’s most famous poems, “The Road Not Taken,” has been criticized many times, even one woman calling it "the best example in all of American poetry of a wolf in sheep's clothing.” Overall, Robert Frost was one of the most well-known poets in American history, and his main theme, elusiveness, caused for many varied interpretations and critiques, most of them extraordinary.

Robert Frost was born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco, California to William and Isabel Prescott. In the article “Robert (Lee) Frost,” it is said that William Prescott was a known newspaper reporter and editor, while Isabel Prescott was a school teacher, both contributing to Frost’s future career. Sadly, in 1884, Frost’s father died when Frost was just eleven years old (“Robert”). In the article “The Road Not Taken,” in the Encyclopedia of World Biography, i...

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...athem. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston of Canada, Limited, 1969. Print.

Greiner, Donald J. “Robert Frost.” The Twenties, 1917-1929. Ed. Brucolli, Matthew J. and Richard Layman. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1989. Print.

Kearns, Katherine. “On ‘The Road Not Taken’.” Modern American Poetry. University of Illinois. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

Oglivie, John T. “From Woods to Stars: A Pattern of Imagery in Robert Frost’s Poetry.” Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jean Stine. Vol. 26. Detroit: Gale Research, 1983. Print.

“Plot Summary: ‘The Road Not Taken’.” DISCovering Authors. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resources in Context. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.

“Robert (Lee) Frost.” DISCovering Authors. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resources in Context. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.

“The Road Not Taken.” Poetry for Students. Ed. Marie Rose Napierkowski. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Print.

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