Rites Of Passage

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something stupid like that. Then that's all I can think about for a while. It does not take long after that for me to get a text or notification that has good news, and this makes my day a rollercoaster of different emotions. Technology nowadays also has a big impact on my mental processes and social behaviors. Whenever I get a notification on my phone, I get an overwhelming urge to know what it is. I constantly check my phone to see if something has popped up. I find myself on social media during most of my free time. If I am ever going to do something that takes a significant amount of time, I check social media before I start. I hardly ever post anything, but something about staying connected to the world is very intriguing. This is probably …show more content…

Rites of passage are an event that marks a special stage in someone's life; The first one is a person's birthday. Every birthday is special, but some have more value than others. A person's 13th, 21st, 40th, 50th, and so on are all a little more special than the average birthday. Birthdays are basically a celebration of life. It makes you living for another year, and that is a big deal in our society. The next one is graduation. This can be graduation from high school or college. The main goal to so show that you have completed whatever schooling you are graduacion for. This is a big milestone because it signifies that you are ready to become a real working member of society. Your life changes a lot after graduation. Another rite of passage that hold a lot of significance is marriage. I would say that of the examples that I have mentioned so far, this one is the most memorable. This legally recognises two people as partners for life, and is one of the biggest things that can ever happen to a person. Marriage is an incredibly happy time, and it opens up a new life for everyone involved. After that, I think that the birth of a child is a highly celebrated time and major rite of passage in a person's life. Deciding to have a child is probably the most important choice a couple can make. It is a huge commitment that requires a lot of responsibilities. It is literally creating the next generation, and teaching them what you know. Finally, death is a rite of passage that everyone acknowledges in some way or another. Depending on your religion, it symbolizes moving on to a better life. This is a very sad, important, and regenerating experience for a society or family to deal

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