Risk Assessment Paper

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Risk assessment identifies an organizations potential risks and potential threats and by analyzing these threats countermeasures are prepared to respond and eliminate the hazard. In the article by Blanke & McGrady, (2016) the researcher is identifying a checklist of several known risks that most of us are comfortable with until the risks disrupt our services. Risks include any online device such as a portable laptops, tablets, printers, and smart devices, insiders, and physical breaches. In this case healthcare information is proprietary information that must be protected from cyber-attacks and require a robust cyber security risk management framework. The checklist identifies three known vulnerabilities and threats from known healthcare breaches. Risk assessment is analyzing the risk to develop security controls based on the type of risk the organization may encounter i.e. Malware, Ransomware, Spyware and Denial of Service techniques which are some of the most common types of cyber security attacks. Risk Assessment will ensure that all vulnerabilities and threats are assessed when conducting my research. …show more content…

It is the responsibility of the researchers not only to take the research participants in confidence before getting information from them but also to make them aware of any gaps in their business management policies as identified in the findings. Therefore, when I would be done with gathering information, analyzing it, and compiling research findings, I would go to each of the five companies to inform their management about the gaps or issues in their cyber security measures. However, I would not communicate the research findings for one company to any other company because it goes beyond the ethical limitations of a credible

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